Part 5

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~Skip to the day of birth~

*sleeping when all of a sudden my water brakes and I wake up*
*zach wakes up*
Let's go~Zach
Baby grab the camera and baby bags and our *breaths* bag~Me
*grabs the laptop and Zach grabs the bags and helps me to the car*
Just breath baby~Zach
*breaths in and out*
~Skip to the hospital~
Ow baby shittt~Me
It's ok calm down is it a contraction~Zach
Ya baby~Me
*points to the monitor that's showing my contractions*
Jeez that one was big~Zach
Ya it hurt like hell~Me
*Zach's mom and dad walk in*
*has another conversation and holds my tummy*
She's having really bad conversation~Zach
It's because she has twins everything is way worse~Zach's mom
Ow how far am I from having birth?~Me
Your at 9 your almost to 10~Zach
Then when I hit ten I get my pice if candy and give birth to two little babies~Me
Did you give her one when she was at 5~Zach's mom
I want one right nowwww~me
No baby~Zach
Where's my brotherrrr and mommmm~Me
Is your dad working or something~Zach's dad
No he's sick~Me
Oh~Zach's Dad
*Daniel and Mine and Dani's mom walks in*
Owwww !!~Me
Hey shhh~Zach
*Zach rubs my back*
Hey sis~Daniel
*hits 10*
*my mom holds my hand*
I want Zach's hand~Me
*Zach holds my hand*
Fuck this hurts~Me
It's ok I'm right here and my mom,dad and Daniel and your guys mom~Zach
I know~Me
*zach hands me the piece chocolate and I eat it*
Ready to push?~Doc
Ok push~Doc
*pushes and squeezes Zach's hand*
*cries*~babygirl 1
One big push and she'll be out~Doc
*does a big push and babygirl 1 comes out and Zach cuts her cord*
Two big pushes-doc
*pushes big and grabs Zach's hand*
It's ok-Zach
*pushes again*
*cries*-babygirl 2
*smiles and tears fall and does one last push and she gets out and Zach cuts her cord and the doc cleans them and wraps them in a blanket and hands them to me*
Their beautiful baby-Zach
What do we name them baby?-Me
Rose and Ruby-Me
*smiles and breastfeeds them*
Rose looks like me-Zach
She does baby-Me
*zach smiles big*
When can we go home?-Me
Tomorrow morning-Zach
*smiles softly kinda tired*
Get some sleep-zach
Ok baby-Me
*i close my eyes and fall asleep*
-next day-
Morning my love-Zach
I sleep all night-Me
No you woke up a lot of times to feed the kids-Zach
Oh ok-Me
Let's go-Zach
Downstairs well you can take a shower-Zach
Ok my love-Me
*kisses Zach and gets in the shower and Zach makes breakfast*
*gets out of the shower and gets dried and puts on panties and a bra and walks to the twins room and picks up rose and starts to breastfeed her and sits down*
Baby want your food up there !?-Zach
Yes baby-Me
*Zach puts a pancake on her plate and puts butter on it then cuts it up and puts syrup on it and puts three pieces of bacon on it and then puts some raspberries and blueberries on top of the pancakes and pours coffee in a mug that has a "Z" on it and puts creamer in it and walks to her with the coffee and plate and puts it on the table next to her and and puts her fork and napkin down*
Thank you baby and do you want to give Ruby her milk in a bottle since she doesn't like drinking it from my boob-Me
*Zach gives Ruby her bottle*
*smiles and takes it*-Ruby
*starts eating*
I'm gonna go shower-Zach
Ok baby-Me
*Zach walks out and goes and gets in the shower and I turn on my vlog camera*
hey my lovesss sorry I've been gone tomorrow will be the birth vlog since zach still has to edit but I have little Rose here *points the camera to her* she's eating right now but after their both done I'm gonna change their dippers and clothes-Me
*sets up my camera in front of the changing table and puts Rose down and fixes my shirt*
Baby blur that please-Me
*grabs the outfits and grabs a dipper and wipes and starts to change Rose*
Soo I'll show you guys their outfits in a second but Zach is in the shower so I decided to vlog and this video is going up today soo ya-Me
*gets Rose in her outfits and lays her in her bouncer and puts on the lullaby music that's on it and grabs Ruby and lays her down and changes her and lays ruby in her bouncer and grabs my camera and shows this outfit*

*sleeping when all of a sudden my water brakes and I wake up*BABY ITS TIME~Me*zach wakes up*Let's go~ZachBaby grab the camera and baby bags and our *breaths* bag~Me*grabs the laptop and Zach grabs the bags and helps me to the car*Just breath baby~...

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My cuties-Me
*Zach walks in and I point the camera at him*
Hi my love-Me
Oh heyyy lovesss-Zach
Anyways remember we have a two week camping trip-Zach
That's next week-Zach
Oh ok I'm fine with that-Me
Oh ok-Zach
*zach kisses my cheek*
-later that night-
Baby I'm tired wanna put the kids to sleep I already feed them-Me
*i go and lay down and Zach puts the twins to sleep and comes and cuddles me and falls asleep*

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