Part 4

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*Next day* *Y/n p.o.v*
Morning auntie~Cora
*Cora smiles*
When is uncle making breakfast~Cora
*Cora runs out and goes downstairs and sits on the couch and turns the tv on and watches spongebob*
*Jonah makes this*

v*Morning auntie~CoraMorning~Me*Cora smiles*When is uncle making breakfast~CoraSoon~MeOk~Cora*Cora runs out and goes downstairs and sits on the couch and turns the tv on and watches spongebob*IM MAKING BREAKFAST~JoOk~Everyone*Jonah makes this*

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Breakfast is done~Jo
*Cora gets off the couch and runs to the table*
Where's Kennedy~Cora
Her room~Me
*Jo goes to her*
She's probably sleeping still~Me
*Cora nods and I post this*

She's asleep she told me to put her food in the fridge~JoOk~MeCan I use one of your phones to call dada~CoraHere is dada Jack ?~MeYes auntie~Cora*I ft Jack and hand it to Cora*Dada no answer~CoraCall him again~Me*Cora does*Hii pumpkin~JackHi dada~...

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She's asleep she told me to put her food in the fridge~Jo
Can I use one of your phones to call dada~Cora
Here is dada Jack ?~Me
Yes auntie~Cora
*I ft Jack and hand it to Cora*
Dada no answer~Cora
Call him again~Me
*Cora does*
Hii pumpkin~Jack
Hi dada~Cora
When do you want me and daddy come get you?~Jack
Now please~Cora
Ok pumpkin daddy needs to get Cameron dressed~Jack
Ok dada~Cora
Bye ily~Jack
Ilyt bye~Cora
*Jack ends the call*
Dada and daddy are picking me up soon~Cora
*Zach,Jack and Cameron show up*
Dada daddy !!~Cora
Hi princess~Zach
Hi pumpkin~Jack
hi sissy~Cameron
Hi cam~Cora
*Zach picks Cora*
Let's go home !!~Cora
Ok pumpkin~Jack
*They go home, jack's p.o.v*
Yes pumpkin~Me
Can I have a cookie~Cora
Yes pumpkin~Me
*Cora gets a cookie and runs to her room*
Baby daddy~Zach
Hi baby~Me
I'm horny and I need you~Zach
Right now?~Me
Yes fuck daddy now~Zach
*Zach grabs my hand and runs to the bathroom and locks the door*
*Zach gently throws me onto the door and makes out with me*
Mhmm daddy~Me
*Zach grabs his bulge*
Shhh don't be loud~Zach
*I take off Zach's shirt then he takes mine off and rubs his hand on my abs*
Mhmm fuck~Me
*Zach throws me on the bed and gets me undressed then me and then I undress him*
*Zach grabs one and puts one on himself and rubs my dick and slides into me and I hum*
Mhmm daddy faster~Me
*Zach goes faster and I rub my tip*
Mhmmm !!~Zach
*Zach rolls his eyes and continues*
I'm c-close !~Zach
Shush babe~Me
*Zach cums and I moan and he pulls out and takes his condom off and hands it to me and I drink it*
*I get into sweats with Zach's hoodie and Zach gets dressed in sweats and my hoodie*
Dada~Cameron and Cora
We're hungry~Cameron and Cora
Ok what time is it~Me
4:00pm~Cameron and Cora
Shit we did that for a long time~Me
What do you want princess and prince?~Zach
McDonald's !!~Cameron and Cora
Ok I'll get both of you happy meals~Zach
Ok~Cam and Cora
*Zach giggles and kisses jack grabbing his man purse and walks out and goes and gets them happy meals*
Let's go downstairs and get you in your high chairs~Me
*Cora and Cameron run downstairs I follows*
Dada I get up first~Cameron
*I pick up Cameron and puts him in his hair chair then puts Cora in her high chair*
Daddy home with food~Zach
YAYYY~Cam and Cora
*Zach gives them their happy meals*
Thank you daddy~Cam and Cora
Your welcome~Zach
*I grab a beer and start drinking it*
Babe get me one please~Zach
*I grab him one and hand it to him*
Thank you~Zach
Your welcome~Me
*After the kids eat*
Pj's and bedtime~Me
Ok dada~Cora and Cam
*I pick up Cora and Zach picks up Cameron and we walk upstairs into the twins room and grabs their pj's and goes to the bathroom and sits them down and I grab Cora toothbrush and puts toothpaste on it and hands it to her and then Zach grabs Cameron's toothbrush and puts toothpaste on it and gives it to him and then Zach kisses me*
I love you~Zach
I love you too~Me
All cwean~Cora
Spit out the stuff in the sink~Zach
*Cora does then grabs the cup of water and swishes the water in her mouth then spits it out then I put this on her

v*Dada~CoraYes pumpkin~MeCan I have a cookie~CoraYes pumpkin~Me*Cora gets a cookie and runs to her room*Baby daddy~ZachHi baby~MeI'm horny and I need you~ZachRight now?~MeYes fuck daddy now~ZachFine~Me*Zach grabs my hand and runs to the bathroom a...

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and she smiles*
Do I spit?~Cameron
Yes~Me and Zach
*Cam spits and grabs the cup of water and swishes the water in her mouth and spits and Zach puts him in this*

Ready for bed~Me and ZachYes dada and daddy~Cora and Cameron*I pick up Cora and Zach picks up Cameron and we walk to their room and lay them in their beds and kisses them good night and turns on their nightlight then walks out and turns the light ...

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Ready for bed~Me and Zach
Yes dada and daddy~Cora and Cameron
*I pick up Cora and Zach picks up Cameron and we walk to their room and lay them in their beds and kisses them good night and turns on their nightlight then walks out and turns the light off and shut the door and we walk to our room and lay down and cuddle and fall asleep*

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