Part 6

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*Skip to in December*
*I wake up and go get Emma and get her dressed

*Skip to in December**I wake up and go get Emma and get her dressed

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and then I go and get ready

and I go downstairs and put Emma in her high chair and give Emma her binky and make breakfast*Morning baby~Jack says and wraps his arms around meMorning cutie~MeChristmas stuff up today~JackYesssss~MeOk~Jack*Emma starts to babble*I'll feed you in ...

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and I go downstairs and put Emma in her high chair and give Emma her binky and make breakfast*
Morning baby~Jack says and wraps his arms around me
Morning cutie~Me
Christmas stuff up today~Jack
*Emma starts to babble*
I'll feed you in a second sweetie~Me
* Zeus barks*
Someone has to go potty~Me
*Kally barks*
Where's my Luna girl~Me
*Luna barks*
Let's get you outside~I let them outside and put two pancakes on jack's plate and some eggs and bacon and I do the same for my plate and give Emma water and a piece of pancake Emma drinks the water but points to my boob*
Fine princess~Me
*I take my shirt off and move half of my bra down and grabs Emma and she latches and I eat*
I hope by the time she's one she'll stop wanting your milk~Jack
Probably not~Me
I hope~Jack
*Skip after they put the Christmas stuff up and jack post this

Wow~JackWhat baby~MeYou put the star on~JackYa~Me*Zeus barks*Is it dinner~Me*Luna barks*Ig so~Me*I give the dogs their food and Emma starts to babble again*Binky babe~Me*Jack gives Emma her binky*I love you~JackI love you too~meI'll make dinner ba...

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What baby~Me
You put the star on~Jack
*Zeus barks*
Is it dinner~Me
*Luna barks*
Ig so~Me
*I give the dogs their food and Emma starts to babble again*
Binky babe~Me
*Jack gives Emma her binky*
I love you~Jack
I love you too~me
I'll make dinner baby~Jack
Ok I'll take care of princess~Me
Ok babe~Jack
*Jack makes dinner*
Thanks babe~Me
Your welcome~Jack
*They eat and I feed Emma and we go upstairs and pack Emma clothes and gets her to bed and we go to our room and get packed and goes to bed* *Skip the next morning*
Baby wake up~Jack
Come on~Jack
*I get up and go get Emma and I feed her and we get the stuff in the car and get the dogs in the way back and get Emma in her car seat Jack gets in the drivers seat I get in the backseat with Emma and Jack starts to drive*
*Skip when they get to the restroom*
Babe bathroom?~Jack
Ya I need to change Emma~Me
Ok babe~Jack
*Me and jack go inside and go to the bathroom I change Emma dipper and we go back to the car and I get in with Emma and jack takes the dogs out*
Hold on Emma I gotta fix stuff so I can feed you and make a bottle so I don't have to do it on the road~Me
*I shut the door and start the car putting the air on because it's hot in the car and I take my shirt off and grab a blanket and unhook the bra strap and put my bra down and grab Emma and she latches onto my boob quick*
Did the dogs go to the bathroom babe~Me
Ok let's go~Me
Ok baby~Jack
*Jack starts driving*
She's taking a log time~Me
She's hungry babe~Jack
Ig so~Me
*She finishes and I puts her in her car seat and grab the pump and open the bottle and connect the pump to the bottle then my boob and pump milk into the bottle*
That looks like it hurts babe~Jack
No it doesn't~Me
*Skip to almost there Emma starts crying and the dogs whine*
She's probably hungry babe~Jack
Here you go Princess~I say and hand Emma her bottle and she starts to eat, Skip to when we get there, Jack let's the dogs out and grabs Emma and takes her inside to his mom and she holds her and Jack goes and gets me who's sleeping and puts me on our bed and gets their bags and comes back in*
Baby wake up~Jack
You gotta feed Emma~Jack
*I get into this

Wow~JackWhat baby~MeYou put the star on~JackYa~Me*Zeus barks*Is it dinner~Me*Luna barks*Ig so~Me*I give the dogs their food and Emma starts to babble again*Binky babe~Me*Jack gives Emma her binky*I love you~JackI love you too~meI'll make dinner ba...

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and go downstairs and pick up Emma and unjust everything and put a blanket over me and hook a baby holder on me and put Emma in it then Jack connects the blanket and I sit at the table Emma still not eating*
Is she eating baby~Jack
No check~Me
*Jack peeks in there and Emma is holding my boob*
She's not doing anything~Jack
*Milk starts to drip from my boob and Emma sees it and starts drinking*
There she goes~Me
Ya the boob she was holding started leaking~Jack whispers
I felt it~Me
*Jacks mom passes the plates out and we all starts to eat*
I'll be back she's done eating~Me
*I go and fix everything and put her in her bed*
Goodnight princess~Me
*I lay on the bed and fall asleep and Jack comes up and sees me asleep*
Goodnight baby~Jack
*Jack goes to bed*

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