The end

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*Skip two years. Cora and Camron are 4*
*Jack's p.o.v*
Yes princess~Me
I'm hungry~Cora
Okay let's go make some lunch~Me
*they get food and go back*
Yes~ *I say looking up after cutting up fruit*
What you doing~Zach
I was cutting up fruit for the kiddos and us~Me
Awe~*i say and kiss him*
I was wondering if you wanted to get in the hot tub~Zach
Sure babe get the kids ready please I'm gonna make a little fruit bowl for Princess~Me
*I make a small fruit bowl for Cora and give it to her when she gets down*
Your bathing suit is cute princess~Me
Thank you Daddy~Cora
Your welcome~Me
*Looks at the stairs and sees Camron sliding down*
Your silly~Me
*claps hands*~Camron
*I get into my bathing suit and we all get in the hot tub except Camron only sticking his feet in it to hot for him*
I can hold you until you get used to it prince~Me
*Gets into my arms*~Camron
It helps with pains and stressed but of course your little so you don't have pains~Zach
Daddy can I get in the pool~Cora
Yes get your floaties~Me
*Cora grabs them and runs back and I put them on her and she get in the pool and swims around and then dinner time comes around and I cook steak*
You want some corn cutie~Me
*Cam Nods rapidly and I give him some and cut up his steak*
Tank you daddy~Camron
Your welcome~Me
*They eat and watch a movie and all fall asleep*

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