the end

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-5 years later-

goodness these girls are so biggg-me
yes they're-Zach
*zach wraps his arms around me softly*
yes princess-Zach
*ruby points outside and jumps up and down and I giggle softly*
go play with the girls I'm gonna go edit my video-me
bring your laptop outside babe-Zach
*zach gets hoodies on the girls and walks outside with them and the dogs and I run upstairs and grabs my laptop and gets Zach's hoodie on and comes outside and sits outside and opens the laptop and edits my YouTube video and watch the girls and Zach then continue*
yes pumpkin-me
*picks her up and puts her on my lap and rubs her cheek and kisses it*
I watch-rose
yes of course-me
*I continue to edit and finish and post it-
All done-me
*rose claps*
why you gotta be so cuteee-me
*sets her down and puts my laptop back inside and goes and starts dinner*
yes babe-me
you shouldn't be making dinner-Zach
no no I'm making it today babe-me
alright if you say so-Zach
*I giggle softly*
can you get the girls ready ?-me
yes of course-Zach
*zach gets the girls in their highchairs and smiles and gets them milk and sits down and I make our plates and the kids and sets it down in front of everyone*
I hope it's good-me
-skip after dinner-
pick a movie you too-Zach
*rose and ruby run over and grabs frozen 2 and runs back to us and hands me the movie*
awww ok cuties go cuddle up on the couch with your blankets-me
*rose and ruby go and lay down and me and Zach go and get changed into pjs and I walk downstairs and gets the girls into their pjs and throws their outfits they were wearing in the laundry room and walks back and puts the movie on and cuddles into zach and watches and slowly falls asleep*

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