Part 6

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{smut warning}

*wakes up to rose crying and walks to her*
Hi baby-me
*i softly rub her tummy and pick her up and sits in the rocking chair and starts to rock and starts to feed her and looks at ruby and grabs a bottle and hands it to her and sits back down and starts to fall asleep and Zach walks in and smiles*
Someone is tired-z
*jumps and opens her eyes and looks at him*
Sorry baby what you want for breakfast-z
Scrambled egg,bacon and toast please and thank you-me
Ok baby-z
*zach grabs the vlog camera and starts to vlog and sets up the camera making breakfast talking to the "lovess" and I walk ds with the twins*
Hi gorgeous-z
Shush I need to get ready I look like trash-me
*zach looks at me*
You always look gorgeous to me-z
*blushes and lays the twins in their bouncer*

*smiles softly and walks to you ans kisses you ans turns the camera off*I love you-meI love you more maybe just a us night tonight?-zYes baby I have to ask one of our parents probably yours-meYa baby-zThere's bottles in the fridge so and freezer-m...

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*smiles softly and walks to you ans kisses you ans turns the camera off*
I love you-me
I love you more maybe just a us night tonight?-z
Yes baby I have to ask one of our parents probably yours-me
Ya baby-z
There's bottles in the fridge so and freezer-me
*smiles and softly kisses him*
Breakfast is done love-z
*zach put food on our plates and pours coffee for me and puts it all on the table and puts the creamer in the coffee and steers it and pours oj for himself and sets it down and sits next to me*
This looks delicious-me
*smiles and starts to eat it*
-skip after breakfast-
Baby grab ruby I need to change their dippers and outfits-me
Ok baby-z
*smiles and picks up rose and goes to the twins room and lays her on the changing table and Zach puts ruby next to rose*
Hmm what outfit-me
*zach laughs*
Shut up-me
You got to many outfits-z
*shakes head and grabs the outfits and change them and put them in this*

*smiles softly and walks to you ans kisses you ans turns the camera off*I love you-meI love you more maybe just a us night tonight?-zYes baby I have to ask one of our parents probably yours-meYa baby-zThere's bottles in the fridge so and freezer-m...

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Ahhh so cuteee-me
*zach smiles*
Go get dressed baby-z
*smiles and goes to our room and gets an outfit and goes into the bathroom and changes into this*

*and do my makeup my everyday and my hair in braids and grab my vlog camera and start to vlog*"Hii lovesss so me and Zach are gonna have a us night  tonight and I'm wearing this" *turns the camera and shows it in the mirror* "and wear those shoes"...

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*and do my makeup my everyday and my hair in braids and grab my vlog camera and start to vlog*
"Hii lovesss so me and Zach are gonna have a us night tonight and I'm wearing this" *turns the camera and shows it in the mirror* "and wear those shoes" *points to the shoes that's in the picture and turns it back to me* "and I put the twins in some cute ass outfits" *giggles and walks to the twins and Zach and shows the "loves" the twins outfit and points it at zach* "I'm gonna pick out your outfit cutie"-me
Ok baby a good outfit for tonight-z
Ok baby *walks to our room and sets up the camera and grabs an outfit* BABY I GOT ONE-me
*zach walks in*
What is my outfit-z
*hands it to him*
Ok ok I like it so far-z
*smiles and kisses him and looks at the camera and Zach goes in the bathroom and gets into this*

Do you like ittt and I wanna do your hair-meYes baby-z*zach sits and I move the camera and starts to do his hair*Feels so good I like when you touch my hair-zAwe baby-me*finishes it and calls Zach's mom and shuts off the camera*Hello-ReeceHey R wh...

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Do you like ittt and I wanna do your hair-me
Yes baby-z
*zach sits and I move the camera and starts to do his hair*
Feels so good I like when you touch my hair-z
Awe baby-me
*finishes it and calls Zach's mom and shuts off the camera*
Hey R where's your mom?-me
She's in the bathroom-r
Oh ok ask her if you guys can watch the kids tonight-me
*looks at you*
Mom it's y/n-r
Hey y/n-Myta
Hey Myta can you watch the twins tonight me and Zach wanna have a night out tonight-me
Yes of course do you have milk and stuff-Myta
Ya and their dippers are at the changing table of course and I'll put out two pj outfits for them and you can come around 5ish baby is 5 good?-me
Maybe 6-Zach
Ok I'll be over then love you guys bye-Myta
We love you too bye-me
*i end the call and look at the twins*
Their so beautiful-me
Yes they are baby-zach
*smiles and kisses him*
Well I have laundry to do-me
*zach looks at me*
Yes you can play your games-Me
Yay !-zach
Just like a little kid-me
*smiles and starts to get then laundry into one basket and Zach sits on the bed and starts to play his games*
Have to watch the babies too-me
Okk baby-zach
*giggles and goes to the washer and dryer and puts whites in a basket and put the colors in the washer and goes back to zach and cuddles into him and watches him play*
Wanna play with me or no baby?-zach
No I just wanna watch-me
-skip to 6-
*wearing this*

Gosh you're so gorgeous-zachThank you baby-me*myta and Reece comes in*Their taking naps right now bye ily-zach*zach grabs my hand and runs out with me*Someone's in a hurry-me*zach smiles and kisses me and gets in the car and I get in* Is this a di...

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Gosh you're so gorgeous-zach
Thank you baby-me
*myta and Reece comes in*
Their taking naps right now bye ily-zach
*zach grabs my hand and runs out with me*
Someone's in a hurry-me
*zach smiles and kisses me and gets in the car and I get in*
Is this a dinner then have sex baby?-me
Fuck ya but dinner has to hurry because daddy has a huge ass boner and that's not good-zach
*giggles and slides hand to his boner and rubs it slowly*
Mmm babygirl-zach
*zach starts to drive to the restaurant that's on water*
Yes babygirl-zach
How much longer I gotta pee-me
Soon love-zach
Ok baby-me
-skip to when we get there-
*gets out and helps you out and goes to the bathroom and pulls panties down and pulls up dress and pees and looks at her phone and then finishes and wipes and stuff and gets up and sends Zach a picture of her dripping pussy and pulls panties back up and puts dress down and washes her hands and walks back to him*
Hi hottie-zach
Hey baby-me
*i sit*
It's cool out here-me
*smiles and looks at the menu*
I see you have makeup on-zach
Ya and I know I'm gonna sweat it off during sex-me
*zach smirks*
-skip after dinner and we're at a motel-
*sits on the bed taking my dress off,zach smirks and takes his clothes off*
Come on daddy-me
*zach smirks and slides into me*
Mmm daddyy-me
*zach goes faster*
Mmmmm !!!-me
babygirl shhh-zach
*zach turns me into the doggy style and slaps my ass hard*
*zach holds my ass and I slowly cum and Zach pulls out and flips me and cums on my tummy*
*takes some with my finger and puts it in my mouth then zach cleans us up and gets us dressed and picks me up and puts me in the car and he gets in and we go home*
We're backkk-me
Fun night huh?-myta
Shush mom-zach
I see those hickeys on her neck-myta
*giggles and goes to the twins and kisses their cheek and walks back*
They sleeping-me
I just put them down to sleep-myta
Oh ok-me
*zach smiles*
Bye mom bye r I love you-zach
*myta and Reece leave*
I'm tired baby from our fun-me
Let's go to sleep-zach
*we change into pj's and lay down and cuddle and fall asleep*

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