Part 6

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Zach's p.o.v
Shh your sister is still sleeping~Me
Sorry daddy~Cameron
*Cora starts crying*
Coming babygirl !~Me
*I run to her and pick her up*
Hey don't cry princess~Me
*Cora puts her binky in her mouth*
Wanna come in mine and dada room?~Me
*Cora nods her head and I walk to mine and jacks room*
Hi pumpkin~Jack
*Cora waves and coughs*
Let's go out today~Me
But daddy I sick~Cora
It will make you feel better getting out of the house~Me
Come on cam let's go get you and your sister dressed for the day~Me
Otay daddy~Cam crawls off the bed and runs to him and holds his hand*
*I walk to cam room*
Princess go to your room and get ready because I know you can do it by yourself~Me
Otay daddy~Cora runs to her room*
Let's get you dressed do your hair and brush your teeth~Me
Umm daddy help~Cam
Omg prince~me
I'm sorry daddy~Cam
*I take Cora dress off of him*
How did you even get her dress~Me
It was in my clothes~Cam
*I grab an outfit and put it on him and put his rain boots on him and pick him up*
Princess come on let's get your teeth brushed and your hair brushed~Me
*Cora runs to me and we walk in mine and jacks room and walk in the bathroom and put them on the counter and grab their tooth brushes and put toothpaste on it and hand it to them*
Baby here's your outfit~Jack
Thank you baby~Me
*I change*
I'll do cam hair you do Cora~Jack
*I brush Cora hair and put her hair up in a messy bun and jack just brushes cam hair and we get our phones and wallets and go to the car*
Where you wanna go~Me
Park !~Cam
Go to the park,go to dinner and then go get ice cream~Me
Then home?~Cora
*Jack puts cam in his carseat and I put Cora in her car seat and I get in the passenger seat and jack gets in and he drives to the park and let the kids out and I hold their hand and walk up to the park*
Go play~Me
Otay~Cam and Cora
Ya what's up?~Me
Are we gonna have another kid or kids~Jack
Probably not right now tho because these two just turned two~Me
Ya I know but y/n got pregnant with these two when Kennedy was three or two~Jack
Baby not now ok~Me
*Cam runs up to us with a bloody nose*
Shit prince what happened~Me
I feel and hit it~Cam
Baby take him to the bathroom and get him cleaned up~Me
Ok,come on prince~Jack
*Jack and can go to the bathroom*
Princess please be careful~Me
I am daddy~Cora
*A fan runs up to Zach* OMG HI ZACH~Fan
*Cora looks at them*
Can I have a picture and a signature please~Fan
Yes of coarse~Me
*I take a picture with the fan and sign her wdw book she had*
It's just a fan princess~Me
Oh Otay~Cora
*I pick up Cora*
Hi little one~Fan
It's Cora~Cora
Princess be nice~Me
Sorry hi Cora~Fan
Well I'll let you guys be is jack with you and your son~Fan
Ya their in the bathroom cam had an accident~Me
Oh ok~Fan walks away*
All better prince~Me
Ok let's go eat~Me
*They go to the restaurant and can sits on the steps*
Daddy take a picture please~Cam
*I take a picture of him*
Let's go in now and get a table~Me
*They get a table outside*
Now we have to wait for your sister and her pregnant self , her husband and Kennedy~Me
*They get there*
Hi Cora~Y/n
*Y/n picks up Cora and hugs and kisses her forehead and puts her back in her seat and she sits next to jack and jo sits next to me and Kennedy sits in his lap*
How for long are you in pregnancy~Jack
It's 5 months and we know the gender~Y/n
Can we know~Me
It's a girl~Y/n
And another girl~Jo
Your having twins with two girl~Jack
I think when I had sex with you I actually made you have a boy and when jo has sex with you he gives you girls~Me
Doesn't bother me because I'm a girl~Y/n
What's up princess~Me
I want to sit with you~Cora
*I pick her up and she looks at the water and Jack takes a picture and post it*

vMORNING DADDY AND DADA~CameronShh your sister is still sleeping~MeSorry daddy~Cameron*Cora starts crying*Coming babygirl !~Me*I run to her and pick her up*Hey don't cry princess~Me*Cora puts her binky in her mouth*Wanna come in mine and dada room...

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Baby should I post the picture of cam~Me
*I post this*

*they eat and stuff then go get ice cream then go home*Let's go brush your teeth get into pj and to bed~Me*The kids run upstairs to the bathroom in Mine and jack room*Baby we need to move~JackWhy do you say that~MeBecause we have two bathrooms one...

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*they eat and stuff then go get ice cream then go home*
Let's go brush your teeth get into pj and to bed~Me
*The kids run upstairs to the bathroom in Mine and jack room*
Baby we need to move~Jack
Why do you say that~Me
Because we have two bathrooms one downstairs and one upstairs in our room so when the twins have to pee or poo they have to go in our room well not during the day but if they wake up in the middle of the night I'm scared there gonna walk in on us having sex~Jack
Ok baby we would have to go house hunting~Me
*I grab Jacks hand*
Are those teeth all clean~Me
Yess~Cam and Cora
Ok let's go get you dressed cam Cora you can go get dressed me and dada will be in there soon~Me
*I get cam into pj and put him to bed then me and jack put Cora to bed and walk to our room and get into our boxers and we cuddle and fall asleep*

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