Chapter 13: Diamond

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The forest was really dark, so you were sure he didn't see you blushing. You kind of looked down in an awkward panic about what to do next. 

"Uhm..." you started before looking back up and taking a few steps closer. Did he expect you to take him back? "I guess I'll go then." You were meant to walk past him, but he stopped you by taking a step in front of you. You looked up and came face to face with him. 

"Why so shy now? You've had no problem staring me down before." He said slyly locking eyes with you. Apparently, this was your thing. You decided to make a bold move.

"When you got arrested..." you started.

"Your gonna have to be more specific."

You sighed. "When we arrested you... that last time, at the looked at me...I thought you..."

"I knew I recognized those eyes." He said seriously. "Like a quick glisten from a diamond. A second of light reflected off." He paused for a second thinking. "Diamond... would make a cool name."

He was right. It was kinda cool. And you did want a name...

"So then Cisco didn't tell you my identity?" You kind of changed the subject.

"He only confirmed my suspicion."

"I see..." you said still not breaking eye contact. There was a lull in the conversation.

"Careful..." Leonard said softly "You're staring again..."

Your eyes widened. "Seems like you're the one with the staring problem." you tried to defend back.

"Well, if you took a picture maybe it will last longer." He quickly conquered.

"Maybe I will." You got so caught up in the back and forth it came out before you realized what you were saying.

He let out a low laugh before he started walking away. 

"Where are you going?" you tried to appear calm.

"Where I'm always going, to steal a diamond" he winked.

You huffed in disbelief before putting your mask on and actually leaving this time. 


After leaving you returned back to Star Labs to take off your suit. Just as you were about done Cisco walked into the Cortex. 

"Hey Cisco... I was thinking... for my superhero name..." you turned to him.

Cisco's eyes grew wide. "Oh my god I totally didn't come up with a name for you yet!" He realized stopping in his tracks. 

You let out a chuckle. "It's okay Cisco. I actually might have one..."

"Okay... shoot." he nodded.

"What do you think about the name Diamond?" 

He put on a thinking face. "It sounds cool. Can you explain?" he asked.

 You were not going to tell him that Leonard gave you the idea. And even though he had been describing your eyes it also fit with your speed.

"Well, diamonds give off quick glimmers, like a second of light," you recalled Leonard's words, "and that's all people see when I race by. Plus, my lightning and suit is blue, and diamonds can give off a blue tint" you explained. 

"Okay, that makes it sound much cooler" he smiled.

"So, I have the approval of the magnificent superhero namer?" you smiled.

"Well as long as you think I'm magnificent..." you both laughed. 


You were already at the CC Jitters with Caitlyn, Iris, and Eddie before Barry got there which was part of the plan you and Caitlyn had come up with. 

You heard a door open and see Barry walk into the shop.

Eddie Immediately got out of his seat and walked over to him. You see Barry kind of flinch for fear that he was going to punch him again. But instead, he gives him a big hug. You see Barry kind of relax.

"I am so sorry pal, it's not like me to hit anyone. I don't know what came over me" you hear Eddie apologize as you guys walk over to them.

"Thanks Eddie, it's okay" Barry says looking confused but accepting it.

Iris touches his arm "You poor thing I had no idea" she adds.

Barry looked at her trying to play along. "Is that right? uhm what exactly did you have no idea about?"

"We were just explaining to Iris and Eddie about our lightning sycosis" You inform him pointing at yourself and Caitlyn.

"My what now?"

"Your lightning sycosis. How your recent odd behavior is a side effect caused by lightning. Mood swings, sudden outbursts of affection, other lapses in judgement" Caitlyn explained.

"He has done all of those things he told me that he has ESP" Iris said having pity on him.

"It's a very uncommon neurological phenomenon. We're really just now starting to research it. That's why Barry and y/n have been spending so much time at Star Labs." Caitlyn gave a further explanation.

"I just wish you would have told me." Iris told Barry.

"It hardly feels real sometimes" Barry attempted to explain.

"Were just glad you're getting out" Eddie added.

"So, were good?" Barry looked at Eddie.

"Yeah, were good" Eddie said smiling.

As you turned to walk back to a table Barry leaned over to you and Caitlyn. "Thank you."

"You are welcome" you both said.

"Oh y/n, by the way where were you after I left Snart in the forest?" Barry whispered to you.

"Oh, well..." you looked away searching for an excuse because you were not gonna tell anyone about your encounter with Leonard. "I went back to Star Labs to change." That wasn't a total lie. "I guess I was so fast you didn't see me." you smiled hoping if you turned it into a joke, he would drop it.

It worked. He let out a laugh. "Okay..." he said shaking his head.

***Author's Note: Hi! I hope everyone is good. So, the reader finally has a superhero name! I really hope this is an okay name and not to feminine sounding. If you don't like the name, I can totally change it. It would be no problem. It took me forever to think of this and how it would fit into their conversation. I knew I wanted it to be personal for them and for Leonard to give them their name. But we can change it if it's no good. Let me know! I just want my readers to be happy. :) 

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