Chapter 30: Scouts Honor

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After stepping into the hallway Rip told you his idea. Since Kendra had a mishap at the Pentagon and clearly was not in control of her powers since Carter died, he wanted you and Sara to try to help her control them.  

You told him you would be glad to help. Since you had come aboard the Waverider you haven't had much time to work on your kung fu. So, while Kendra would work on her powers you would turn yours off. You had been wanting to practice with Sara anyway. Plus, you had just eaten one of those granola bars from Caitlyn, so you were feeling energetic.

You met up with Sara in the hallway. She was holding metal poles. You were used to just using your fists and feet but thought it would be good to add what you called weapons to your repertoire. 

When you entered the room Kendra was in no mood to practice. But you and Sara were able to swiftly convince her she should at least try. You say convince but it was more like Sara just threw one of the metal bars at her and attacked. And then the practice was on. 

Sara was making some really good pointers and before you knew it you guys had made your way into the hallway and were slowly moving around the ship.

Eventually, the metal bars were dropped, and Kendra was ready to stop. You thought it might be good to take a quick break however, Sara had other plans. Now using her fists and feet Sara continued to attack Kendra trying to teach her to control it. 

You watched as Sara continued until Kendra turned back into her hawk form. Both of your guys' eyes got wide waiting to see her next move. Before you could stop it Kendra quickly pushed Sara back making her fly through the air before hitting the ground. 

Kendra was able to quickly snap out of it and you both rushed over to Sara to see if she was ok. 

However, it seemed this time Sara was the one to turn as she jumped on Kendra and pinned her down. In that moment she was not Sara she was an assassin.

"Sara stop!" you pleaded as you tried to get her hands off of Kendra's throat.

"Sara it's me." Kendra managed to say.

Suddenly she came out of it and had a look of fear on her face realizing what she was doing. She quickly ran off leaving you and Kendra there.


You thought they must need some space since there seemed to be more going on with them than meets the eye. You wanted to help but was not sure how, so you left. You decided to check in on what the rest of the team was up to and if any progress had been made. You entered the cortex to see Ray and Leonard had come back.

You smiled and walked over next to them. 

"Hey! back so soon? How did the ballet go?" you asked.

"Raymond here blew it with Valentina so I had to step in." Leonard informed you.

Ray scoffed "I totally had it... I just..." he started fidgeting.

"Just..." you asked.

"He scared her" Leonard finished for him.

You started to grin. You couldn't imagine Ray scaring off anyone. More like he would be anxious talking to them.

Ray looked at Leonard and then back to you. "Oh yeah! Well, Leonard kissed her."

This caught you off guard. "What?" you squeaked a little too loud.

Leonard looked down and away for a second closing his eyes and sighing. 

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