Chapter 16: What did you expect?

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After you arrived back at the cortex things somehow got even more awkward than they already were. It basically became a stare down as everyone stood in two lines standing across from each other.

"Please tell me this is a joke," Caitlyn said still not believing this was happening.

"Oh, you were right Lenny she is very uptight" Lisa poked fun at Caitlyn.

"I am not uptight," Caitlyn said sounding very uptight. 

You smiled amused at what was happening. She paused realizing how she sounded. 

"You can't call me uptight." Caitlyn corrected her words.

"Look guys we need their help if we're gonna pull this off." Barry butted in trying to ease the tension.

You noticed Leonard staring at Joe who was staring back. You looked at Joe who did not blink before you saw him look away. You turned your head and look back at Leonard who was already staring at you. This was not like your stare downs before when you were warning him to put the cold gun down in the middle of fighting each other. And it was not like when you spaced out in the forest. This time you were just looking at each other. Taking it in. And it was...nice.  

"Why are you guys wearing your masks? Snart already knows who you are," Caitlyn asked you and Barry, breaking you out of another stare-down with Leonard. 

"And I promised I wouldn't tell anyone that includes my sister." Leonard responded looking at her.

"Jerk" Lisa called Leonard.

"Trainwreck" Leonard quipped back.

You smiled at their sibling spat. 

"Don't look so surprised detective. I am a man of my word" Leonard reassured him.

"Yeah, you better be, or I'll make sure you're on that damn plane too" Joe threatened him before walking away.


A little while later you guys were ready to execute the plan.

You were going to use Cisco's uncle food truck to transport the metahumans. You were sitting next to Leonard at the back of the truck while the others stood around. When Cisco walked in with Joe ready to explain the process.

"Okay so I retrofitted the cooling system with the wheelchairs power source to create an energy dampener." Cisco explained.

"Which means what?" Joe asked.

"Basically, the back of this rigg is being flooded with so much power that it's effectively creating a transient pulse strong enough to disrupt the metahumans powers so we can get them to the airport and get them on the plane without them getting fresh on us. Technically we need somebody with a class A commercial driver's license to drive us there though." Cisco clarified.

"I can drive it." Lisa shrugged like it was no big deal. You all looked at her. "What? I'm a class A CDO." 

"You are?" Caitlyn asked her surprised.

"We can't all be doctors" Lisa quipped back.

Leonard smiled. Which caused you to smile. You quickly stopped yourself. Mission first. Boys later.

"Alright, let's do this!" Barry signaled everyone to get into place. "Planes gonna be here in two hours" 

And you guys got to work.

Caitlyn filled the metahumans cells with a gas that would make them pass out for a little bit. Once that was done you guys loaded them onto the truck and got into separate vehicles. Lisa got into the drivers set of the truck and Cisco road with her in the passenger's seat. Joe and Caitlyn got into a separate car. Barry was gonna run ahead to make sure there were no obstacle in the way. Since only one of you really needed to be ahead that meant you had to ride with someone.

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