Chapter 22: Let's Go Change the Future

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The whole team appeared to have gone separate ways. Preferring to think about the fate of their future and the entire world in their own little spaces.

After Leonard told you to follow him Mick was close behind. Which was not surprising. And then eventually Sara and surprisingly Ray. 

Sitting on separate metal cases in the loading dock you all got lost in your own thoughts.

You sat on a box close to the outside door. A box in between you and Leonard but he had his feet up stretched out toward you. Leonard twiddled with his cold gun. Mick looked at his heat gun. Sara was staring at the ceiling. And Ray was tweaking something on his atom suit. 

Suddenly a large burst of sparks goes off from Ray's glove toward Mick.

"Watch it!" Mick warned him.

"Sorry! Sorry." Ray sighs clearly seriously thinking about what just happened. "What's the point of even giving this a second thought? Rip has already seen the future. He knows exactly what's in store for each of us. Might as well have stayed dead cause the world doesn't need any of us." 

He looked at Sara. "You're just a lost assassin."  

He looked at you. "You live in the shadow of the Flash." 

You didn't want to admit it, but it was true. The Flash did appear to be the favorite of Central City. You knew your friends back at STAR LABS would never tell you this though. You were family and that was true, but anyone looking at you guys knew the Flash was at the head of it all.

He looked at Leonard and Mick. "You're just a pair of good-for-nothing criminals."

"I can live with that" Mick said still tweaking his heat gun.

"Well, I can't" Ray continued. "Can't live with somebody putting a cap on my destiny. Spent my whole life working to be something greater by becoming something smaller. Then some guy comes along and tells me that being the atom is as insignificant as an actual atom."

You had never seen Ray like this. He was always so positive. And to see him this affected by what Rip said you had to say something.

"Forget Rip. Maybe you don't matter in the future. But you matter here and now to the people who care about you."

Ray looked up and gave you a small smile. You smiled back and looked over to see Leonard staring at you. Your face softened maybe staring for a second to long.

"Besides," Sara added on "that's not what he said. Rip said that in his future were nobodies, but this mission is about changing the future. I mean if we have the power to change the world don't you think we have the power to change our own fate?"

Mick stopped and looked up.

You smiled and nodded your head.

"For better or for worse" Leonard said still staring at you.

"That's a very good point" Ray said now realizing what this mission could become. 

You drew your eyes away from Leonard and stood up. "Let's go change the future!" 


Walking back into the room you notice Rip was already talking to Kendra and Carter.

"Chronos, even, Vandal, won't be the only enemy we face. Very often it will be time itself." you hear Rip explaining to them.

Rip looked toward you all as you entered the room. You had to lay down the law.

"Whether it wants to happen or not were gonna change time, erase savages' future, and earn our rightful place in history." Ray told him sternly.

"Dr. Palmer is correct. We may not be legends in your time captain, but we are going to decide our own fates." Professor Stein agreed.

"I don't give a damn about being a legend as long as we end Savage once and for all. " Carter added.

" I can get down with that" Jefferson backed him up.

"And our malcontents?" Professor Stein asked Leonard and Mick.

"I like killing people" Mick shrugged.

"We're in. For now." Leonard said cautiously. You rolled your eyes. Still acting like he doesn't have the potential to be a hero you thought.

"So how do we find this guy?" Sara asked now that everyone was in agreement.

"Professor Boardman had a theory about that" Rip said rushing to his chair and strapping in. "I've already had Gideon plot a course."

You all quickly strapped yourselves in your seats as well. Ready to begin this adventure.  


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