Chapter 28: Deal

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In your swirling thoughts of hot chocolate and a certain pair of icy blue eyes, a voice suddenly came over the speaker. 

"Jefferson?" It was Professor Stein. "Jefferson where are you?"

You all were on alert now. "Well, it's not a short story." Jax replied.

Professor Stein interrupted. "There's no time! Gideon will upload you coordinates to the Greyhill building. Rip and Sara are in danger."

You all looked at each other. "We're on our way professor." Leonard answered.

Once at the building the four of you stormed in with a dramatic entrance through the big double doors.

"Let's get this party started!" Mick shouted.

"Here's our invitation!" Leonard said after just before they started blasting their weapons and people started scattering.

You wondered if they ever practiced what they were going to say upon entering buildings. 

You and Jax came in behind them and started punching people who immediately came after you. The room was in chaos.

You and Mick ran over to Sara and Rip to untie them. Once they were free again, they joined back in the fight. Rip got out his lazer gun and started shooting. You heard the pew pew's the gun made through the air.

"You came." Rip yelled to you guys.

"We're a team" Jax said "next time remember that."

"Enough!" Savage said before blasting the whole room with a bright blue lazer causing you all to get down.

"Get Carter's body out of here." Rip instructed you guys before turning and yelling "Sara!"

"I got this" Sara assured him before said standing up again and continuing to fight.

Mick and Leonard started blasting covering for you and Jax while you all made your way to get Carter's body.

Savage let another round of blue whatever it was through the room, and you fell down.

"Go I'll deal with Savage" Rip said to you guys.

"Good luck with that." Leonard said before leaving and you gave Rip a thumbs up.

Quickly the four of you were able to grab Carter and make your way back to the ship.


Once things had settled down and Carter's body was placed where it needed to be you took a little walk around the ship mulling over the day's events in your mind. Leonard was starting to flirt more with you. Flirt? Nah, you thought, he's just teasing. Wait was he flirting? And there was the fact that he remembered you had wanted hot chocolate that day. 

Lost in your thoughts you had slowed down enough that when you approached the entrance to the cortex you noticed the outline of a figure from the corner of your eye standing in the room.

You looked up to see it was Leonard looking at something Gideon had brought up on the screen and holding a newspaper in his hand. You stood still and watched.

"Maybe you didn't understand me, I asked for the new timeline, Gideon."

"This is the new timeline. Two days from now, your father will be arrested trying to sell the Maximillian emerald to an undercover police officer."

"Stupid son of a bitch." Leonard said under his breath.

"He'll be sentenced to five years in Iron Heights. Despite your intervention his future remains unchanged."

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