Intermission: You're Not a Bad Guy

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Later that day you visited Leonard at Iron Heights. Even though Barry was going to visit with him you decided you wanted to go on your own. You made up an excuse to Barry as to why you couldn't go with him not telling him you just wanted to be alone with Leonard. This way you could speak freely. 

The guard let you into the room. It was late so there was no one else there visiting. You looked up at the glass that split the room in half. You saw Leonard already sitting there on the other side. 

There was no reaction on his face. Just the same calculating expression he usually has. 

As you walked over to the seat you didn't look away from his gaze which followed you to the chair as you sat down. You still didn't look away as you both reached the phone on each of your sides and held them up to your ears.

Leonard spoke first. 

"If you're trying to talk me into being a hero, don't bother. Barry already said his piece." 

"I'm not."

Leonard's demeanor faltered some as he shifted tilting his head up and the other way now.

You began again.

"I don't have to talk you into becoming a hero because I know you'll always do what you think is right. I only do what I think is right. At the end of the day that's all we can hope to do."

Leonard squinted his eyes more. "Are you going somewhere with this?" he said getting a little impatient.

You sighed. "You made a call today....and... honestly, I don't blame you." you said referring to him killing his dad.

His eyes softened. "Well, well, well does Barry and the others know you have this side to you?"

You rolled your eyes playfully. "I guess what I'm saying is Leonard, you may not want to be a hero, but I don't think your a bad guy."

You watched a small mischievous smile grow on Leonard's lips which caused you lose your train of thought for a second.

When you didn't speak Leonard did.

"Did you not hear me at the airport that day when your team recruited me and my sister to transport the metahumans. I rob and I kill people..."

 "You've only done what you needed to survive..."

"Don't get involved with me y/n..."

"Well, too bad. Maybe... I'll come back and visit you again." 

"And why would you visit me?"

Your eyes grew a little wider.

"Why?... well... because..."

Just then the guard interrupted you saying visiting hours were over for the day.

You nodded to him and turned back to Leonard. 

"Because, I can." 

You decided if he was going to try to push you away, you would push back. 

He gave you the best pleasant smile he could, although you were pretty sure he was just being sarcastic.   

"Goodnight, y/n."

"Goodnight, Leonard."

You both hung the phone up and got up to leave. You left the room determined now more than ever to get under his skin. One way or another you were going to bring the real Leonard Snart out. 

What you didn't see while leaving was Leonard looking back at you this time with a genuine small smile on his face. 


A few months later...

One night you were staying late at STAR Labs to get in a quick ninja training lesson that you hadn't been able to complete earlier due to how crazy things had gotten around there with fighting Zoom and all that. 

You had just gotten done with the lesson and was cleaning up to head out. You made it out to the hallway to get into the elevator when all of a sudden a figure appeared. 

It was a man with messy, disheveled hair and a long brown trench coat billowing behind him.

While he didn't look necessarily dangerous you immediately tensed up and prepared yourself to fight. 

"Who are you?" you said holding your ground.

"Right, introductions will have to wait, so sorry about this..." he said in a British accent before holding up a device that flashed right in front of you. You wanted to fight back but felt really sleepy for a second before you just blacked out.

Once you started to gain consciousness you felt the cold air around you and the cold cement beneath you.

And some movement next to you. You realized you were laying down on your side. 

Groggily you opened your eyes to find icy blue ones staring back.  



Hello everyone! So, this kind of was not like a normal chapter because I wanted it to be like a transition between the reader going from working with Team Flash to deciding to join The Legends. I was a little unsure at what time exactly in the show the characters joined The Legends, but I thought this might be close and a good place to stop. I am very excited to start writing for The Legends now because this means the reader and Leonard will be working closer together and have more dialogue.   

Another side note: it's been taking me longer to update because of my classes this semester. Leave it to me to start writing a fanfic when I have my last high-level class which involves the grueling process of writing a 20-page research paper. I was thinking I might have to take a short 1-month hiatus. Or just take longer for the next couple chapters to come out. I will be done with this class by May 7 so I'll be able to get back to regular updates by then. Afterwards I just have 3 elective classes left to take over the summer and I'll be done with my degree by the end of July! 

Also, if anyone wants to make me a cover picture for my story, I would be really grateful. I basically just put a picture of Leonard because I didn't know how to do it.

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