Chapter 20: The Waverider

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The next day you arrived at the spot where Rip told you all to meet. 

You were met by Kendra, Carter, Ray, Leonard, Mick, and your new friend Sara.

You greeted everyone and stood by Leonard. 

"You came," you said a little surprised.

"Well, I wouldn't want anyone to miss me." He said in his usual teasing drawl.

"Oh brother." you hear Sara say under her breath.

You rolled your eyes.

Just then you saw a car pulling up. You noticed Professor Stein get out of the driver's seat and start looking around. You realized that must have been Jax in the passenger seat. Leonard noticed what you were looking at and was the first to start walking toward them.

"Professor! This is the place!" Leonard said holding up his hands as you, Sara, Ray, Mick, Kendra, and Carter all followed. 

It was no wonder Professor Stein seemed lost. The place was deserted. 

"I think we're being punked," Ray said as you all looked around "do people still say punked?"

"No" Sara replied.

Getting closer to the car you realized Jax was not moving.

"I see your buddy threw himself a going away party" Mick said now getting a close look at the state of Jax in the car.

Professor Stein looked wearily. "Yes, I believe he drank something that didn't quite agree with him." 

A voice coming from the side made you all turn.

"Well, I see you've all decided to come." Rip said walking up. "Well then, we can be on our way." He rubbed his hands together.

"I aint footing it anywhere" Leonard said crossing his arms.

"A time masters sacred charge is to do no harm to the timeline" he answered getting something out of his pocket. "Can you imagine what a time ship would look like in, say, Victorian England?"

"Holographic indigenous camouflage projection." Professor Stein seemed to catch on before the rest of you did.

Rip looked at him proudly "indeed" he answered before twirling his arm out and pressing the button on the device revealing the massive time ship before your eyes.

"It's called the Waverider. It's been my ship for over a decade. Shall we?" Rip turned around to look at you guys before walking ahead.

Like a magnet you all walked forward. Any doubts anyone had about leaving seemed to go away. 

You didn't even notice when Professor Stein tapped Mick on the shoulder to carry in Jax.


Upon entrance to the Waverider, you might as well have been a kid in a candy store. It was shiny and futuristic and you all marveled over it. It was hard not to smile. You thought of Barry and Cisco and Iris and Caitlyn. They would love to see this. Your team broke the impossible every day and this was definitely impossible. 

"Whoa" you and ray said at the same time. Turning to laugh at each other before he went on ahead to catch up with Professor Stein. 

You notice Leonard catch up to you as he was now walking beside you. You turned to look at him. He looked unimpressed. Or he just hid it well. 

"Memorizing the layout?" you asked him.

He furrowed his brows and looked at you.

"You're the one staring. You memorizing the layout?" he said referring to himself.

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