Chapter 42: I've died before

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You didn't lie. You really did have something to do. You just didn't want to tell Leonard beforehand what you were doing.

The talk the team had earlier about reforming Mick inspired you. Before any of the other Legends had a go you decided you wanted to try talking to him first. Thus, the reason why you were now entering the part of the ship where Mick was being held.

Mick was laying down facing the ceiling with his eyes closed. You walked up to the glass and pressed the button speaking into it.

"Mick." Was all you said hoping to get his attention. He didn't budge. You had a feeling he wasn't asleep and just ignoring you.

"Mick." you tried again. A few seconds went by before you sighed and pounded on the glass.

This worked as he sat straight up completely annoyed with you.

"What?" He grumbled out harshly.

"Can we talk?" you asked.

"All you heroes ever wanna do is talk." He scoffed.

"Fair enough," you said more to yourself. "Then you're gonna shut up and listen." You said with more authority.

Mick seemed almost taken aback from that.  

"I realize I'm probably one of the last people you wanna see, but I'm probably the only one on the team who has any sort of idea about your past. Or who has actually payed attention to you and Leonard the whole time you have been on this ship." 

He scoffed and seemed uninterested sitting back against the wall and folding his arms.

"Mick, I know. Leonard told me how you met. You protected him. Saved his life and you didn't even know him. That doesn't sound like someone who just wants to watch the world burn."

He scoffed again. "Well maybe I should have let him die right there then. Then I wouldn't of had to go through him betraying me for what.... you? The Legends?" 

You gave a quick sigh and felt yourself growing a little madder. 

"Did it ever cross your mind that maybe he felt like you betrayed him too? That you hurt him first? Back in Star City 2046 he felt like you were leaving him. He just wanted his partner back."

Mick put his head down. "Some partners" he said softer.    

"Mick," you said his name louder and with more authority, "he literally froze his hand off for you. I watched as he did it. He didn't even give it a second thought. I know it must have hurt when Leonard left you in that forest, but you were acting like a jerk." 

He sat staring into space for a minute seemingly thinking about something before he said in a monotone voice.

"So he's what? A hero now? My own partner doesn't want me anymore. Nobody does."

You sighed this time more out of empathy for him rather than annoyance.

"But you were given a chance to be part of the team. You were chosen and everyone welcomed you in. I don't think this is who you want to be. I know you don't really want to see the world burn."

You paused and Mick looked away though you knew he was still listening. 

"Leonard has been and always will be your friend. I wish you could see the others want to work with you too, including me."

On your way out you ran into Rip at the door. He gave you a look, but you didn't say anything as you passed by.


You walked back into the cortex after you left Mick. 

"Well, I'm ready to leave 1960." You sighed slinking down in one of the chairs not looking at anyone.

"And where do we go now? I mean when?" Sara said staring into space still processing the previous events. 

You were still processing the Mick and Leonard situation, so you didn't feel up to smiling at Sara's correction.

"How about 2147. Mere decades before Vandal Savage conquered the world." Rip said walking out of the study.

"I thought you had no idea where he was." Leonard walked toward the chairs sitting down next to you seeming oblivious to you staring into space.

"You said Savage had been lost to history." Professor Stein piped up.

"Not world changing history. Records of the period are scarce, but I've always known that Vandal Savage can be located in 2147."

"So why haven't you told us sooner?" Jax asked.

"Because that period of history is fraught with more peril than I was willing to risk. We have no choice but to stop Vandal Savage in 2147 or to die trying." Rip answered reluctantly having made his mind up.

"Well, I've died before." Kendra said getting on board.

Sara stood up "so have I."

"He'll have to kill me too before I stop." you added.

Leonard glanced at you with an expression that was worried about your now sudden seemingly death wish.  

"Gideon, plot a course for Kasnia Conglomerate..." Rip said as he strided over to the captain's chair. The rest of the team followed suit as you took your seats. "The year 2147."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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