Chapter 37: Chosen

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Now trapped inside the room, you began to feel exactly how cold space was. Ugh, space, you thought. With all the stars it couldn't have been warmer? This particularly was a problem for you as being a speedster did not mix well with cold. Ironic considering the person you liked. But right now wasn't the time to be thinking about the parallels between you and him. 

Through the window in the door, you see Ray and Kendra appear. 

Ray tried to open the door on the keypad but to no avail.

"We're gonna get you out of here" Ray assured you. "Just hang tight."

"If the room was a normal temperature, I wouldn't need your help and be able to vibe myself out of this situation through the door." You spoke through chattering teeth. "Although, I'm not sure how that would help Leonard." You looked over at him.

He gave you a sarcastic smirk before speaking to Ray. "Don't mean to rush you Raymond but it's getting cold in here." You were both hugging your arms around your torso trying to keep warm.

"Normally I wouldn't complain, but-" Leonard was stopped mid-sentence.

"Can't you just open the doors, Gideon?" Kendra pleaded.

"The bulkhead is designed to remain shut until the breach is sealed," Gideon explained.

"Well, that's not happening from in here," Leonard shouted.

Just then Sara appeared behind them pushing Ray out of the way and kicking the door which ended up being much stronger than her.

She looked around at the others sheepishly before shrugging her shoulders. "It was worth a try." 

"How much time do we have until-" Kendra started not really wanting to say it.

"Were dead?" you finished.


You tried to do like how Cisco taught you. You figured if you vibrated in intervals, you would be able to keep up some sort of warmth. No matter how small it would be appreciated. But after just a short time you were becoming exhausted using so much energy. You almost fell down but felt Leonard grab you as you started to tilt.

"You need to rest." he tried to tell you sternly hiding the chatter behind his teeth. With how much colder it had gotten he didn't hide it well.

He helped you walk over to the wall and sit against it. He sat down beside you, laying his coat over the both of you. Holding it close you could tell it smelled like him. It was comforting. Not that you would ever say that out loud though.

You leaned a little on his shoulder for support from your dizziness and also to see if he had any warmth radiating off him.

"You're probably enjoying this aren't you? The coldness of space." You stuttered out.

He seemed to take a second to think through your statement before saying "If I had to pick a way to die freezing wouldn't be the worst." 

You gazed off into the room staring at nothing in particular. "I thought I died when I was hit with lightning." 

This was something you hadn't actually discussed with anyone. When you woke up it was all cool you have powers let's do tests. No one really asked if the experience of how you got your powers damaged you in any way.     

You felt his eyes on you. "What was it like? Getting hit with lightning?"

"You'd think it would be terrifying and painful, but honestly it happened so fast I don't really remember that part. It's what came afterward."

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