Dawn (SMUT)

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(This will include bottom sun but there will be bottom if moon in the future ;-;)

All day sun had a strange feeling, but was afraid to tell anyone about it, later that night moon and sun were in there room, and that weird feeling kept bubbling up inside of sunny. "...I'm going out." Moon stated and got off his bed, "o-okay...have fun..!" Moon recognized the way he was speaking. "...are you sure?" "Y-yeah..! I-I'm... I'm j-just fine!" Sun said with a half smile. "Okay? Just call me if you need me love." Moon kissed him on the forehead and left. Sunny's legs began to twitch. Moons touch made him go crazy... what was he thinking..? Sunny saw that his area had began to feel that feeling again... sunny took his shaft out and began to stroke it. He felt that feeling grow, as he imagined dirty thoughts with moon. He imagined moon pinning him again see the wall and biting him. Somehow, that brought him more pleasure. "Ah- aaaah~" he made noises that made him embarrassed of himself. He began to stroke faster when he suddenly heard the door open and moon standing in the doorframe, staring at him.

He stopped suddenly, and tried to cover himself with the blankets as moon walked over. "I-I don't know what that was..! Hah... I-I thought you-" "shhh, starlight, I'm here," moon said as he climbed on the bed and took off the covers. Sunny's tentacle shaft twitched at the sudden cold air hitting it. "I... I don't know what this weird feeling is but... I w-want you to touch me~" sunny said in a quiet voice. Moon climbed on top of him and whispered in his ear "I'll help you if you follow what I do~" that sent a chill down sun's spine. "I-I'll do my b-best~" moon kissed him and moved his hand from his chest down to just above his shaft. "W-why did you stop..?" "Not yet love~" moon said as he caressed his inner thigh "ahhh~ closer please~" sunny said as moon moved his hand to his shaft. He began stroking it slowly. "Y-your, t-touch... hah~ it's m-making me crazy~" he said between pants as moon began to stroke faster. "Hah.. faster~ ugh, s-somethings c-coming~ ahh~" as moon quickened his pace even more. Sun yelled as he came, legs shaking. Sun was now panting as moon was over him. "Like that huh~ oh... your still not soft, looks like I'll have to play with you more~" moon inserted his fingers into him. "Ahh~ w-what are you d-doing..?" "Just adjusting you..." moon thrusted his finger in and out as sunny moaned and panted "a-ahh~ please... add another finger~" moon inserted another finger and thrusted faster. "Ahh~ n-not so f~FaSt! I'm gonna-!!" Moon grabbed sunny's length and beach to jerk him off again. "If your going to cum then do it now~" "ah~w-hAT AHH~" sunny came into moons hand and all over his chest. Sunny panted as moon sat on his knees and looked at him "still no soft? Huh~ looks like I'll have to do this all the way~"

moon spread sunny's legs and inserted himself inside him. "Ahh~ O-Oww... that hurts~" "oh? I thought you could take me as you are~" moon then went all the way in "ahh~ y-you put it in a-all at o-once~" sunny moaned as moon started to thrust in and out "moon~ s-so fast~" sunny said and panted with every thrust moon made. "Oh...a-ahh~ it f-feels good~" moon stopped, and said, "you were just complaining about how much it hurt~ now look at you~" moon slammed into him. "AHH~OHH~" moon continued to thrust even faster which led to sunny being a mess of moans and pants "ahh~ what did you haa~ say that word was..?~" moon was to focused to talk. Moon thrusted faster. "Ohh~ moony I'm c-CloSe..!~" sunny said as his moans grew louder. Moons trusts became slower but harder, and that made sunny go crazy. "AHH~ MOONY~" moon pulled out before cumming all over Sunnydrop and the other came all over his chest. "Moon laid down on top of Sunnydrop, not caring about the mess they just made. "Ohh... w-what a mess..! We need to clean up..." Sunnydrop said in a tired tone. "Shhh... you relax and I'll clean up... okay dewdrop?" "O-okay..."

(Uhh so imma skip the part where they clean up but ANYWAY)

After Moon cleaned the little mess they made he laid down with Sunnydrop, as the other snuggled into his chest. "Doing something different are we?" Sun was already asleep. "Hmm~ love you sunshine~" he said as he slowly drifted to sleep.

(Kill me now)

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