My little star

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(Get ready for some angst ):)

(Also sun is in this but he's towards the end)

Moon and star had always been best friends

Maybe even brothers

Until one broke

And one lost himself.

Moon was on the balcony, sitting with star, who was the other daycare attendant before Sunnydrop. "Hey moon? How did I do today? Was I good enough?" Star asked, and moon replied, "you did great today little star!" Moon hugged him roughly. "Moon! Stop it! Hehe!" They stopped for a moment. "...hey star?" Moon asked. "Yeah moony?"

"Promise me I'll never lose control, okay?"

"Why would you do that? Of course you would never!"

Star hugged moon. "Love ya, big bro"


The remains of star were littered around the doors of the daycare, his face still whole. Moon looked up with red glowing eyes, and laughed a maniacal laugh. But then, his eyes changed from red to blue. He looked down, and saw it.

The remains of his brother.

He screamed.

He screamed and cried so loud that the security bots heard, and rushed over.

Moon was devastated, he had just killed his own brother. He thought, "how could I!? I just destroyed the person I loved the most, and all I'm doing is sitting here. Alone." Moon curled up, and cried.

-times skip-

Moon was walking to parts and service, to ask about star's replacement. Apparently his name was going to be Sunnydrop, to match with Moondrop. Moon thought to himself, " one can replace star, sun won't be my friend, he won't be anything to me. You know what? I'll just let him rot in the storage room, and I'll run the daycare..." moon smirked as he walked to parts and service.

-time skip-

When sun opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a poster of Moondrop. He thought, "...who is that?" "Curious about that poster sun?" Someone said to him as sunny looked to the side. "Hello, my name is y/n, I'm the one who made the idea for you." They pointed to the right. And this is the mechanic (idk what to call it) who made you. "Sun was a little overwhelmed by the sudden introductions. I mean, he just woke up and is making his first memories. The mechanic said, "well, we need to see if your voice box is working, so try to say something. "Uhm...hello? My name is sunny, or sundrop..." sun muttered nervously. "Hey you did great!" Y/n stated. "Now, meet your partner, Moondrop." Moon crept from the shadow the door made.

Moondrop looked at sun and reconsidered his entire plan...

I mean, look how cute and innocent he looked... he didn't look like a replacement at all... "... hello?" Moon said. Sun stepped of the table and lost balance "o-oh" moon's instincts kicked in and he caught him, sun's face falling to his chest.

"O-oh... heh, I must've not been used to my legs...heh" sun recoiled and stood up on his own. "Thanks!" Sun happily skipped away to see the rest of the pizzaplex but moon slowly walked to the daycare. He thought, "ugh... he fucking got me... why does he looks so... innocent...and cute... n-no! I need to lock him up for good! They can't replace star! They can't replace my brother with some ignorant sun!" Moon shut the doors to the daycare and leaned against the wall. Tears started to form in his eyes, but he wiped them. "...that sun has to pay..."

Sun eventually came to the daycare with y/n and saw Moondrop on the verge of tears. "...are you okay moony?" Sun asked, "DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT NAME!!!" Moon shouted. Sun was surprised, and looked tat way too. "...that was mean...but okay..."

"I won't"

So moon and sun continued to work together, but as sun grew a sort of crush on moon, moon's hatred began to grow... but he felt something else too... something about his smile...they way he tilted his head when he was confused...they way he was so...beautiful. Moon couldn't handle his feelings. So he thought he would finally make his plan a real thing...

"...hey sun?"

"Yes moon?"

"...I need to show you something..."

Moon lead them to an abandoned storage room. "...moon? Why are we here?"

Moon didn't answer. He only looked at sun with a mix of anger, sadness and self hatred. Then he realized something... it wasn't sun he hated, it was himself. He smiled. "...oh... that's what it is..." moon said "what is what?" Sun asked.

"It's not you i hate... it's me"

Moon began to laugh maniacally. He laughed and laughed until he had tears. He slowly stopped laughing and turned into a pile of sobs. Sun watched all of this happen with a surprised look. Sun realized what was happening, and hugged moon. Moon began to cry really hard, tears soaking sun's shirt. "...shhh... I'm here moon..." moon was still sobbing when sun pulled away and put their hands of moon's shoulders. "What's wrong moon? There's something your not telling me." Sun said in a blunt tone. "-sniff w-what h-hap-happened to m- me-?" Moon sobbed, looking at sun. "...let's get you calmed down first." Sun picked up moon and carried him to there room. He sat him down on the bed and held his hands. "You can tell me anything you want... okay?" Sun said. Moon sniffed and said okay.

"...back before you came... there was another animatronic before you..."

Moon explained everything that happened. All of the times he spent with star, how he was always happy, and how he was the one who dismantled him...

"...oh... oh moon..." sun hugged moon, laying them down both on the bed. Moon hugged back, his head in sun's chest. He began to cry again. Sun began to repeat comforting words and rub moon's back as moon sobbed. "I am so sorry that happened to you..." sun hugged moon and started to tear up too. They eventually both fell asleep in each other's arms...

~in moon's dream~

"" Moon asked, seeing star in front of him. "Good job moony! You discovered your own feelings! Now you can let go of me, and embrace your new partner!" Star replied. "Wait... no... I-I don't want you to leave..!" Moon stumbled as he tried to run to star as star walked away, into the light." Moon tried to follow him in, but he couldn't go in, there was a barrier.
" No... NOOOOO!!!"

Moon woke up with a start and looked at sun with tears in his eyes. He started to tremble. He couldn't speak so he shook sun gently to wake him up. "Mmmnn...moon..? Oh moon!" Sun sat up and hugged their other half. "Moon? What's wrong?" Moon couldn't speak and kept trembling and sobbing. "Sun laid down with moon and continued to try to comfort him the best they could. They were rubbing his back and saying comforting words. After moon claimed himself down a bit, he looked up at sun and said, "I-it w-was a d-dream..! I s-saw him..!" "Shhh... you're okay now, I'm here for you, okay?" Moon sobbed as he hugged sun. "...oh, I have something to ask of you, moon."

"What is it sun?" Moon hugged him tighter.

"Can I call you moony?"

"...sure sunshine..."

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