Midnight snack (SMUT)

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It was a late night and Sunnydrop was feeling...that again. Moon was already asleep when sun crawled on his bed and was on top of him. "...moony?" "...huh? Oh... hello dewdrop" "I'm feeling... that again, and are you too tired or-" "no no, it's fine, I'll get up so I can-" but he was pinned to the bed "u-uhh, you'll let me get up r-right..?" "Hmmm... maybe I want to play with you this time~"

Sunnydrop started to kiss and lick his neck. Moondrop was letting out small squeaks of pleasure as Sunnydrop continued to attack his neck. "Ohh~ not enough?~" sunny said before biting down on his neck. "A-ahh~" moon moaned before putting his hand over his mouth. Sunny was tracing kisses down from his neck down to his chest, and to his area, sunny pulled down moon's pants and saw his length was now erect. "Oh~ your already horny   After just me biting your neck? He started to stroke his length as moon concealed his moans. "su-sunny~ I-I'm close..!" "Oh really..? Well, I could really use a midnight snack..." he went below his tentacle length and began to lick his cunt. "A-ahh~" moon began to moan as sunny ate him out. Sunny stuck his tongue inside, and that made moon go crazy. "Y-your tongue..!!" Moon moaned as sunny began to go in and out with it. "D-dewdrop..! Im~ ahh~..!" Moon came all over his stomach as sun stopped licking.

"Mmmn~ you taste like blueberries~" "a-ahh...p-please...f-fuck me..!" "Oh~ if you insist~" sunny took off his pants and began to thrust into Moondrop. Sunny tried to muffle his moan, but Moondrop didn't hold back. Sunny began to fuck him as moon exploded into pleads and begs. "S-sunny~ please..!" "Please what?" Sunny stopped. "Pl-please... I-I... p-please F-fuck me..! Sunny drop thrusted faster and faster. Moon moaned and panted as sunny was almost at his high. Moon struggled to say while moaning, "a-ahhh~ it fe-feels ahh~ g-good~" sunny thrusted faster and faster until they both came.

Moon was worried about the mess, "ugh, it's all over me, thank god it Didn't get on the bed..." sun got off the bed and carried moon with him. "Ugh, what a mess!" Sunny said as he carried him wherever they would be cleaned up at.

(Im going to hell twice)

Sunnydrop x Moondrop oneshots/headcannons [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now