The meeting

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(Decided to do fluff this time)
(Starting off moon and sun are still in the same body)

Sunnydrop stared at all the notes moon left for him. He sat in silence, longing for moons touch. He pondered, "I wonder...if I'll ever get to see you in person..."

The next day sun woke up he found a note that had been slid under the door. "Oh! Must be from my other half!" He hopped out of bed and rushed over to see the note. Surprisingly, the note read,

"Meet me at parts and service"

"Oh..!" Sunny exited his room and began to walk down to parts and service. When he got there, he saw the body of an animatronic inside the protective cylinder, an engineer, and Vanessa. "What do we have here?" Sunnydrop asked, walking over to Vanessa. "Well... we have decided that, you and the other daycare attendant should be separated. Sun's face lit up. "Wow! I get a new friend? That's exiting! We can finger pain, tell stories, and-" "sun!" Vanessa interrupted. "O-oh! I was talking too much, I-" sun spoke. Vanessa interrupted again,"just pay attention. -sigh- apparently we need your other half's memory chip but you need to go into sleep mode to get it, so just get into the protective cylinder and relax for a moment..." The next thing sunny knew he was sitting down and entering sleep mode...

Moon slowly woke up so someone shaking him awake. "...moon..? MOON!" Sunny hugged him as tight as he could to show how happy he was to see him finally, moon hugged back, tears forming. "Oh god I-I... do you know how long I've been waiting for this..!?" Moon stated. Sunny started to cry, and so did moon. They both sat in each other's embrace, crying out of pure joy. After a while long hug, sun said, "I can't wait to finally spend time with you!" Sunny started to ramble about the different things they could do together as moon got up. As soon as moon got up he felt his legs tremble as he stumbled. "Oh!" Sun said as he caught the other. "Are you alright..?" Sun said as he held moon. Moon's face turned red with blush as he tried to compose himself, but once again failed. "Hmmm..." sun hummed as he picked up moon. "Looks like your not used to your new body...huh?" Moons face was now completely red. "Oh..! Are you blushing? Heh..." moon looked away in embarrassment. "Heh! Let's go to the daycare! I want to show you around, and spend time with you..." sun went on about the things they were going to do together as moon was still taking it all in.

When sun was done showing moon around (even though moon already knew where everything was) he finally shows him there room. Sun shouted, "This is our room! Do you liiiike it?" Moon stated, heh. I already know where everything is, we were literally sharing a body for a while. (Note, sun was still carrying moon) "oh, right," sun whimpered, but moon said, "it was fun anyway," sun then got happy again

"Hey moon?"

"Yes sun?"

"Can you stand yet? My arms are tired" "oh, I'll try" sun set moon down as gently as possible, but as soon as moon was standing, his legs started to shake again. "Ugh..!" He stumbled, but sun caught him again. "Oh..! Still not used to it? Let me carry you to our bed. He sat moon down on the bed, and sat down with him. "Are you okay..?" Sun asked, "yeah... also, why is there only one bed..?"

Heh heh cliffhanger > :)

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