Starlight (4/4)

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Moon quickly his around the corner. He stopped to peek around the corned to see the kid, Freddy, and Vanessa. "Damn sun thing... i swear to god if he hurts one more kid..." Vanessa growled. "Vanessa... you shouldn't have been so harsh on him... he was just trying to help." Freddy told Vanessa. He was getting fixed by someone from parts and service. "That stupid sun more mishap with him and he is getting dismantled." The mechanic stated. Moon tightened his grip on sunny. "You know time he comes in for repairs I'll just deny him...I'm the new manager after all..." moon was gripping sunny angrily. He felt upset, dizzy, sad, scared, all in one. After all sun has been the only one to be with him all these years. "...why do I bother anyway..?" Moon pondered. "Why... once i had my freedom I was done with him...right?" Tears formed at his eyes. "No... I told him we would be free together." He sat sun down behind the wall. Sunny woke up slowly. "...moony? Where are you going..?" Sun asked.

"I'm making us free."

Moon walked over the then new manager. Wiping his tears. He grabbed the manager's shirt and got close to his face threateningly. "...naughty boy... you... if you deny ANYTHING from sun... I will tear you limb from limb and make everyone watch... so you better fix him... or I won't hesitate..." the manager looked terrified. He stepped back and tripped over some wires. "Okay! I'll repair him! Just don't hurt me!!!" Moon replied, "if you run from here... I will find you..." moon then walked to where sun was

"Sunny?" Moon called. Sun woke up but didn't move. "...moon? Where are we..?" Sun asked. "We're at parts and service. There going to fix you now..." moon replied. " did you get them to do it?!" Sun asked surprised. "Well... I have my ways...anyways, let's get you fixed starlight..." moon said, picking up sun gently.

As moon sat down sun on the chair he was about to leave until sun grabbed his arm. "...pleas...stay... I'm scared..." sun whimpered. Moon felt a hind of sadness. "...okay I'll stay with you." Moon said as he hugged sun tight. The mechanic walked in and started to do the procedures.

-time skip-

Sun woke up to moon holding his hands. "...mmmn...moony..?" Sun opened his eyes to see moon standing next to him. "Moon!" Sun jumped up and hugged him. "You actually stayed this time! I thought you would leave again!! I mean...! I..." moon pulled him out of the hug and kissed him. Sun was surprised at first, but he eventually closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. Moon pulled away to look at sun, who was blushing. "...that was nice..." sun said, as he hugged him again. "...let's go back...okay?" Sun asked, still hugging moon. "Of course dewdrop... it's been a long day..." moon replied to sun, picking him up and carrying him back to the daycare.

Moon sat sun on the bed and felt bored. He felt a strange feeling. It was a sort of hunger, and want at the same time. Sun was laying on the bed as moon imagined the things he would do with sunny.

Sun was wrapped up like a present for moon with no clothes. "Moony~ I have a present just for you! Hope you like it~"

Moon started to feel hot down there.

"Hey moon? I wanted to show you this~" sun said while stripping

Moon felt ashamed for a second, but then he realized sun was right there, waiting for him. Sun wouldn't mind, right? Moon crawled his way over to sun and he ended up on top of him. "Moon..? What are you doing?" Sun asked "hey sunshine~ what to play a game?" Moon asked, staring at sun's area. "S-sure! What game?" Sun asked, innocently. "Well~ just follow what I do~" moon started kissing sun passionately, as he began to grind against sunny. "Ohh~ ahh~" sun moaned as Moondrop grinder against him. "Ready for me sunshine?~" "ready for what?"

"You'll see~"

Moon took of both of their pants and began to press the tip of his tentacle cock towards his entrance. "You have two of them sun..? Strange~" suddenly, sun flipped moon over to where he was under him. "Wha-what are you doing..?" Moon asked. "Oh~ I'm just playing the game, right? Copy what you do~" sun kissed moon passionately and stuck his tongue inside his mouth. They began to French kiss for a while as sun grinded against Moondrop. Hard.

"Ahh~" moon moaned before covering his mouth. He thought to himself, "no... this isn't how this is supposed to go! I'm supposed to be dominant!" Sun stopped grinding on him. And pressed his lengths near his entrances. One by his cunt, the other on his ass. "W...wait! It's not supposed to-" "what? Scared? Now, tell me what, I'm supposed to insert them like that?" They both went inside him with a hard thrust.

"A-ahh~" moon moaned as sunny began to thrust in and out. "Ohh~ ugh~ I-it hurts!" "Sun stopped. "Oh? I'll go slower just for you~" sun thrusted, but it was slow. Moon moaned as sun thrusted in and out and gradually went faster. "Ohh~ both of my insides are~ they feel so good~ ahh~!"

Sun thrusted in and out, faster and harder with each thrust as. Moon moaned louder and louder, "ahh~ you feel so good inside me~" sun started to thrust as fast as he could. "AHH~SUN~IM GONNA~!!" Moon screamed in pleasure as he came. But sun wasn't finished yet. "A-a-ahhh~ su-sun~ I already c-came~ ahhh~" moon became a mess of moans and begs as sun thrusted without showing mercy. Eventually, sun finally came inside both of his insides as moon came a second time.

Sun looked at the mess they had just made. There was sticky fluid all over Moondrop and surprisingly, not on the bed. "Oh...what a mess..!" Sun began to clean up as Moondrop laid there silently, panting.

(After they were done cleaning)

Sun snuggled with Moon, with moons head buried in his chest. "Heh heh! That was a pretty fun game moony~ it felt good too! I hope you enjoyed it!" Moon sighed, as he hummed a familiar tune to sun. They both eventually drifted to sleep.


(Still taking requests btw)

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