Eclipse (2/2) (SMUT)

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Moon was about to crawl through the vents. He enjoyed being there, because it was quiet, unless Monty was having his usual rants, (he be in there fighting demons-) but overall it was peaceful. He wanted to try a different entrance once, but somehow, he got stuck. Half of his body was through the hole and his other half was facing the storage room. He heard the door creak open, and he didn't know who it was. "Uhh... h-hey, can you help me out of here?

With no words said this mysterious person pulled down moon's pants and began licking his cunt. "H-HEY! STOP! WHO IS THAT!?" Moon kicked the person away from him. "Oh? You don't recognize me? It's just me, eclipse~" eclipse purred. "Oh... it's you... sorry, and, can you get me out of here first?" Moon asked, but eclipse said, "not yet~" eclipse started where he was, licking moon's cunt, and his length. "A-ahh~ s-stop~" moon tried to hold in moans as eclipse kept licking. Eclipse took his tongue out, and pulled down his own pants.

Eclipse rubbed his length at moon's entrance and grinded on him. "Your so pretty doll~ no wonder I'm holding back~" eclipse purred. "S-stop teasing and just... f-fuck me~" moon begged. "Oh? You're ready then?" Eclipse purred as he slammed into moon. Moon moaned loudly, whimpering as eclipse thrusted in and out. "Ahh~ e-eclipse~ in gonna-" moon came all over the floor while eclipse pulled out and came. "Agh~ haah~" moon moaned for the last time before he finished.

"...hey eclipse..? Can you help me get out of here..?" Moon said, embarrassed. "Oh. Sure love~" eclipse pulled moon out from the vent and picked him up. He set him down, and walked towards some paper towels. "Good thing this is in here." He began to clean up them both.

-after ig idk-

After they were both dressed moon tried to stand up, but his legs gave out and he landed in eclipse's arms. "Tired, are we darling?~" eclipse says, picking up moon. Moon snuggled into eclipse as he carried him throughout the pizzaplex. He carried him through the underground tunnels and saw a silhouette of an alligator animatronic. It was Monty, and he had a crowbar.

He was trying to get into a locked door, he was banging it with the crowbar. He jolted his head around to look at Moondrop and Eclipse, his eyes glowing red. "Oh..? Someone wants to play?" Eclipse sat down moon and made the blade come out of his hand. "W...what are you doing?! If you kill him you'll be dismantled!" Moon yelled, but it was too late. Monty was charged toward eclipse as eclipse did the same. Eclipse slid under Monty's legs and stabbed him in the back. Monty let out a scream before falling to the floor, oil leaking out of his wound.

Moon ran to Eclipse. "Why would you do that?! Your going to get you and sun killed!!!" Moon yelled at him. "Oh? You think so? Ha! I have my ways moon~" Eclipse picked up moon once again and walked to the daycare, moon snuggling in.

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