3 - Dumbledore's Favourite

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I found myself in a shared dormitory.

At first I thought there must have been some kind of mistake and immediately wrote to my father.

But he wrote back saying that Dumbledore refused to let me have privileges and that no amount of bribery in the world would sway him to give me my own room.

I wondered what I had done in a past life to deserve such punishment.

"Cheer up, Dray," Pansy soothed as she threw an arm around my shoulders. "Think of it as one big long girly sleepover."

"Millicent snores!" I spluttered. "And don't get me started on Tracey's bedtime routine - who sings themselves to sleep?!"

I realised, with deep dismay, it was something I had to get used to until I learned a spell to shut them all up.


"Did you see his face, the great lump?"

I glowed with pride as the other Slytherins fell about laughing.

"Shut up, Malfoy," one of the Patil sisters snapped.

"Ooh, sticking up for Longbottom?" Pansy cackled. "Never thought you'd like fat little crybabies, Parvati."

"Good one, Pans," I chortled, nudging my elbow into her arm.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the Remembrall glittering in the grass. Thinking quickly, I darted forward and snatched it up, holding it up for all to see.

"Give that here, Malfoy," Harry said quietly.

I smiled nastily at him.

"No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find."

I mounted my broom and kicked off, excitement swirling in my stomach at finally having the opportunity to show off.

Flying to the topmost branches of an oak tree, I turned around and smirked down at my audience.

"Come and get it, Potter!" I shouted, tossing the ball into the air.

I really didn't think he'd rise to the bait, but it seemed that Harry Potter couldn't resist a challenge, and up he soared after me.

Damn it. He was good.

"Give it here," he shouted aggressively, hovering right in front of me, "or I'll knock you off your broom!"

Below, Ron Weasley let out an admiring whoop as the girls gasped and screamed.

"Oh yeah?" I sneered, but I couldn't help but feel a flicker of fear, wondering if he actually meant it.

"No Crabbe and Goyle up here to save your neck, Malfoy." Harry said in a quiet, dangerous voice, his eyes flashing menacingly.

I glanced back down to the ground where Crabbe and Goyle were both looking panic stricken. I chewed my lip, realising I was screwed without them.

"Catch it if you can, then!" I shouted, and threw the glass ball high into the air before streaking back towards the ground.

I positioned myself safely back between Crabbe and Goyle, only for the Gryffindors to start cheering and screaming. I looked up, wondering what had gotten them all over excited this time.

Potter. I glared. He had caught the ball and was showing off by doing somersaults in the air.


Oh boy, finally. Professor McGonagall was running angrily across the pitch and I had never felt so happy to see such a pissed off looking teacher before.

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now