32 - Kippers

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"Promise me," Harry said between peppering light feathery kisses along my jaw, "that we'll do that again?"

I smiled, nuzzling into his side, the length of his naked body against mine warming me with pleasure.

"With each other?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Only with each other." Harry trailed kisses back up to my mouth, his teeth gently tugging at my lower lip. "I don't want to share you with anyone else."

My heart fluttered at his words and my lips tugged helplessly into a smile as I circled my arms around his neck. He kissed me deeply, his soft groans vibrating down my tongue.

Breathless, we broke apart, with Harry resting his forehead against mine.

"Let's sack off classes and just stay here all day."

I closed my eyes. "Mmmm, sounds good. But don't you have enough detentions already?"

Rolling off me, Harry groaned dramatically, the both of us laying side by side staring up at the maroon canopy above the bed. "Don't remind me. The team are fired up at me. We have Ron riding on the final, and I'm not going to lie, he sucks without me."

"Well, you should have thought about that before you tried slaying me!"

"You were going to Crucio me!"

I looked at him. And then we both started laughing, our eyes crinkling at the corners.

"I like hearing you laugh," Harry said once our chuckles subsided. "I don't think I've ever heard it before."

"I've not had much to laugh about recently," I answered honestly, suddenly feeling somber as I glanced down at the ugly skull etched upon my left arm.

Suddenly, arms gathered around me as the Gryffindor pulled me to him, his lips pressing ardently against my brow. "Well if you let me, maybe I can try and cheer you up."

"You already have," I smirked, nuzzling my face into his neck as I blissfully inhaled his scent.

He softly chuckled as he held me a fraction tighter, and we lay there, both lost in our thoughts of each other.

"We should get dressed then, I suppose," Harry muttered dully as the distant sound of the castle's bell tolled for the start of classes.

Reluctantly, we rolled apart and gathered up our clothes. We'd already missed breakfast thanks to our early morning gymnastics, and so promised to meet again at the end of the day after dinner.

I was just about to leave first when Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me down onto his lap, his lips swiftly claiming mine.

"Don't go," he pleaded. "Just stay one more minute."

I ran my fingers through his hair and pressed my lips against his scar. I felt his body relax, the happiness between us rife.

"When we leave this room," I murmured, my lips moving against his brow, "we have to go back to being us, you know?"

"As in I hate you and you hate me?" He tilted up his face, green eyes twinkling into mine as he held me a fraction tighter to his lap. "I think I can work with that."

I smacked his shoulder, smirking. "Just maybe stop following me around under that cloak from now on."

"Only if you promise to stop calling my friend a Mudblood."

I thought about it for a second. "Deal."

Again his lips claimed mine, both of us sighing into the kiss which grew hungrier by the second. I squealed as he fell back against the mattress, pulling me with him.

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now