23 - We Are Not Amused

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"Dray! Over here!"

I closed my eyes at the sound of my oldest friend racing across the platform towards me, bracing myself for-

Ompfh! I struggled to keep myself from toppling over as Pansy's hard body careered into mine.

"Oh Dray, I've missed you! Why didn't you write? Did you hear about Daphne and Theo? I balled my eyes out! What's going to become of our group now?"

I looked at her as her lower lip began to wobble. Merlin, did she really think this was the end of the world?!

"They'll get over it," I said stiffly, extricating myself from her embrace. "Just give them time."

I honestly couldn't give a tiny little rat's ass, but whatever.

Waving goodbye to my teary mother, I allowed Pansy to pull me onto the train. I noticed she'd let her hair grow long again, clearly deciding to ditch the razor sharp bob. Merlin, it was like she had been replaced by a different person entirely.

"Come on," she rushed out breathlessly as she dragged me along the train's corridor. "I've got Blaise to save us a seat."

Not ten minutes later, the three of us were sat around a table as the train trundled us onwards. I could sense Pansy looking at me.

"Why so scowly, Dray?" She asked. "Did you not have a good summer?"

I shrugged, not in the mood to discuss it. For a brief moment, my eyes locked with Blaise's but he remained silent.

Pansy, seemingly oblivious to the atmosphere, nattered on about her summer. I switched off, gazing out at the landscape flying past the window, my thoughts solely on my dangerous task ahead.

About two hours in, we were interrupted by a visitor, a breathless third year who looked terrified at the prospect of approaching our table. She waited patiently for Pansy to finish her anecdote.

"-and then Daddy insisted that as a punishment for my bad behaviour, he was going to flush Mr Gerbil down the toilet. But silly Daddy forgot he had already died of a heart attack two summers ago! How funny! Oh, hello there. Can we help you with something?"

Between trembling fingers, the girl presented to us a roll of parchment tied with violet ribbon. "Um- I am- uh- supposed to deliver this to Blaise Z-Zabini."

I glared at her and she turned a deep shade of red. "Who sent you?" I demanded.

"I- I don't know his name. A teacher... I think."

"On the train? Don't be so ridiculous."

"Didn't stop Loopy Lupin though, did it?" Pansy pondered aloud.

Sighing heavily, Blaise eventually reached out and relieved the girl of the parchment. We all watched in anticipation as he unrolled it and proceeded to read.

"It's from a Professor Slughorn," he muttered, rolling it back up and stuffing it in his pocket. "He wants me to join him for lunch."

"WAIT!" I demanded when the girl tried to leave. "Are you sure there isn't one for me?"

The girl shrugged. "Sorry. It was just the one."

"Does he know I'm a Malfoy? Perhaps he didn't realise-"

"Dray, let it go." Blaise muttered, getting to his feet. "You didn't get an invite, okay? Count yourself lucky. No one wants to spend their lunch hanging out with a fucking teacher."

I sulked for the next forty-five minutes.

When Blaise returned, I tried to act cool.

"So... what did the old has-been want?"

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now