26 - The Thrupple

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"So, you gonna invite anyone?"

Ron licked his thin lips, looking enviously down at the invitation to Slughorn's Christmas party in Harry's hands. But before Harry could say he was welcome to be his plus one, Ron's face was sucked off by a giant squid.

Well, Lavender Brown, but same difference.

Trying to ignore the slurping sounds which reminded him of a plunger unblocking a toilet, Harry glanced around the common room, tapping the invite against his thigh as he contemplated a potential date.

Hermione had warned him there was lots of interest. Even talk of some desperates thinking of slipping him a love potion.

Harry shuddered. And then he recalled Draya accusing him of doing that exact thing to her. Who the fuck did she think he was? He was the Chosen One and could have any one he pleases.

But oh fuck, he had never kissed anyone quite like he had kissed her. Cho had been wet and sloppy, Ginny too awkward and bumpy. And then there was Padma or Parvati (he could never remember which) who purposefully bit his tongue when he tried to grope her tit.

Draya Malfoy, on the other hand... kissing her alone was far better than that awkward sexual encounter he'd had with Ginny.

He glanced guiltily at his best friend (whose hands were somewhere inside Lavender's robes). Ron never knew that Harry had fucked his sister - or 'deflowered' one another (as Ginny called it). It had been nothing like Harry had fantasised about. She'd lain stiff as a plank, and when he'd finally managed to do it, she'd gasped out in pain, head-butted him and he'd gone floppy again so had to finish off in the shower after she'd left.

The truth was, Ginny was far too much like a sister to him for him to really want her in that way.

Thankfully, since then, she'd started dating Dean but often hinted that she'd like to start things up again between them.

But Harry made it clear he wasn't interested, and that all his free time was spent having private lessons with Dumbledore. Which was partly true. But he liked to put any other time aside for watching Draya's movements on the map.

He was convinced she was a Death Eater. More so now that she'd clearly only stopped things between them when he'd started undressing her. But tattoos had been the last thing on his mind when he was kissing her.

He gave himself a mental shake. He needed to prioritise things, and she wasn't helping.

"How about Loony?"

Harry blinked, realising that Ron had finally extricated himself from the giant squid who was still straddling his lap, stroking her fingers through his hair, both of them panting heavily.

"What about Luna?" Harry muttered, trying not to focus on his best friend's swollen lips.

"Ask her to the party."

Harry sighed heavily. Well, it wasn't as though he could take who he really wanted on his arm.


I crumpled up the letter which coldly informed me that I needn't bother going home for Christmas if Dumbledore was still breathing by the time the Hogwarts Express departed the station.

Thanks for nothing, Mother.

But, sadly, it seemed that Dumbledore was refusing to drop dead, and the cabinet was just as broken as it was on September the first.

And all everyone in the castle was talking about was Slughorn's bloody Christmas party.

"Blaise has invited me," Pansy shared, causing my heart to give a dull, unexpected twist. "Isn't that exciting?!"

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