21 - Pottah

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"We must hurry, Draya. We don't have long."

Despite hating being rushed, I attempted very hard not to show it. It wasn't, after all, Mother's fault that we were on such a tight schedule. My stomach knotted uneasily when I thought about the consequences if we were to be late back.

The Dark Lord didn't take kindly to tardiness. Only the day before, a Death Eater was Crucio'd on our very doorstep for ringing the doorbell five seconds after a meeting had already started. Voldemort didn't care for his excuses of being chased by a peacock on the way in ("Well, you should have arrived here earlier in that case, Yaxley. Crucio!")

Over the past six weeks, we'd been deeply traumatised in our own home. Lord Voldemort had taken residence in Malfoy Manor since the night of my initiation and his constant presence was causing us a great deal of unease.

On the plus side, Aunt Bella had moved out of my bedroom. Although I'm not entirely sure where she chose to lay her head at night instead - all I knew was that when the Dark Lord moved in, Bellatrix had time for no one else.

Hmmm... now there's a most disturbing thought.

Mother hurried me into Madam Malkin's, looking anxiously around her as she did so. I knew she was nervous about bumping into anyone, fretful about anything or anyone waylaying us.

As I sauntered into the shop, a familiar woman bustled before me and I was taken back to that day when I first met Harry Potter. Even after all those years, the memory of his rejection still made my face grow hot with humiliation.

Stupid Potter, with his stupid shiny new 'Chosen One' status. I expect he'll be lording that one over everyone this year - wouldn't be surprised if he made himself a badge. Show off.

"Ah, Miss Malfoy," Madam Malkin beamed, her round face cherry red. "I've been expecting you. I have put aside our finest green robes which I'm sure you'll agree will complement your eyes. Now, if you'll come through to the back, I'll just grab my pins..."

With a heavy sigh, I followed the waddling witch. Dress fittings were such a tedious bore. And I had far more important things to be getting on with whilst I was here. I just had no idea how I was going to achieve them. If only I could convince Mother to let us split up under the guise of saving time, but unfortunately she was keeping determinedly by my side.

I allowed my mind to drift as Madam Malkin began to treat me like one of her mannequins, poking and prodding me in places you wouldn't let your doctor go. I had an idea of which I wanted to keep from Mother. An idea that might just work, if only I could get into Borgin and Burkes.

"Mother," I said casually, "I was thinking of having a browse at the latest line of cauldrons whilst you go and fetch my books. My one has unsightly stains and I wouldn't want Professor Snape to disapprove."

"There's no need," Mother said quickly. "I heard rumour that Severus will not be returning as Potions Master."

I tried not to let my shock show, instead concentrating on getting my own way.

"Well, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to look anyway-"

"You know we don't have time, Draya. Now stop stalling. The sooner we get these robes fitted the sooner we can-"

"I'm not a child, in case you haven't noticed, Mother." I spat, my patience tested to the limit. "I am perfectly capable of doing my shopping alone."

Madam Malkin made a clucking noise. "Now, dear, your mother's quite right, none of us is supposed to go wandering around on our own any more, it's nothing to do with being a child-"

"Watch where you're sticking that pin, will you!"

The interfering old bag was getting right on my tits. Huffing, I jumped down from the stall and strode back into the front of the shop.

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now