34 - The Other Woman

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I decided to go along to the Quidditch final after all. There was a keen energy amongst the students and it was difficult not to get swept up along with it.

It would mean having to watch that Ginny Weasley in Harry's place, and not only that but Harry's ex, Cho bloody Chang was playing for Ravenclaw.

It made rooting for a team to win highly difficult when I wanted both Seekers to fall off their broomsticks in a freak accident and splat to the ground.

Not that I was jealous or anything.


I kept picturing them all over Harry, and it was making me angry. Did he still fantasise about them? Did he fantasise about a threesome? Had he had a threesome? I wondered if they'd sucked his cock too and if he'd enjoyed it as much as when I did it.

By the time the players had flown up into their starting positions, I was shaking with fury, sending violent thoughts to Ginny and Cho. How dare they exist!

And they were so fucking gorgeous. Why couldn't Harry date munters? He clearly had a shallow complex. The moment I gain a wrinkle, he'll be trading me in for the latest Miss Witch.

What a bastard.

"What's wrong, Dray?" Pansy asked, frowning at me. "I'd have thought you'd be smiling after last night?"

"I think Andrei might be cheating on me!" I wailed dramatically.

"What - no!" Pansy gushed, "Have you looked in a mirror? You're totally gorgeous. And you swallow."

"Yeah," Theo nodded sagely. "No guy's gonna risk losing that."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Blaise muttered angrily, his jaw clenching as he turned away.

"What makes you think he's cheating on you?" Daphne asked, her brows knitting in concern. "Did he have lipstick on his collar that wasn't a shade you wear?"

"Did he say he was going to write when he didn't?" Pansy asked.

"Did he moan out another girl's name when he jizzed?" Theo suggested.

"No!" I wailed. "It's because he has beautiful exes!"

My friends all exchanged bewildered looks.

"But surely that's a compliment?" Daphne said, nonplussed. "It means he considers you beautiful too."

"Bloody women," Theo snickered. "You literally don't get men at all."

"Oh shut up, Theo," Daphne snapped, glaring at him. "If you ask me it's men who are the ones who don't get it! Stamping on hearts left, right and centre without a care in the world!"

Theo turned a shade of red, and he had the decency to look chastened.

"Look," Pansy said just as the stadium exploded into deafening cheers after Ravenclaw conceded a goal. "If this Andrei really is cheating on you then he's not worth it. Besides, does it really matter when he's got to marry a Bulgarian princess one day anyway? Move on. Don't waste your time on someone who you can't be with in the long term. It'll only hurt more later down the line."

"She's right, you know," Blaise said stiffly. "About it all. It's all going to end in tears for you."

But they had to be wrong. Even if Harry and I weren't going anywhere, surely it didn't matter that we were making the most of the time that we did have?

I tried to imagine what it would be like kissing him for the last time, and it made me feel disgustingly sad. More than that, actually - the idea that I would never be in his arms again, or that we'd have a last ever fuck, caused an ache in my chest so fierce, that it made me want to vomit.

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now