29 - As the World Falls Down

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A/N: I'm not sure if the last part of this chapter works - it would probably be better as a visual - but I went with it anyway. Those who have seen the classic 80's film, Labyrinth, might get it as it's completely 100% inspired from that scene (note the chapter title and picture). Those who haven't seen it - just go with it (and please note, the last scene of this book is a dream sequence from Draya's perspective and not actually happening).

P.S. Bowie is a king in the skies


"Guess what?!"

I closed my eyes, not in the mood for Daphne's gossip of the day. I couldn't remember the last time I slept or finished a meal. The only reason I was in the Great Hall in the first place was because Crabbe and Goyle refused to be my lookout on the seventh floor until they had seen me eat breakfast.

I was just glad it was the weekend so that I could spend the rest of the day with the cabinet. I was incredibly close, with a bird finally surviving the journey. It should have been a joyous occasion, but instead it made me feel sick. I was one step closer to being a murderer.

"Weasley got drunk with a teacher this morning and now he's passed out in the hospital wing!" Daphne gushed, her face alight with delight as she presented the Slytherin table with this piece of golden gossip.

"But it's only nine thirty in the morning," Pansy frowned as she chewed on the corner of her toast. "And which teacher is getting him drunk?"

"Professor Slughorn! And that's not the best part - apparently he snubbed Lavender Brown in front of all the Gryffindors and declared his love for Romilda Vane!"

I unsuccessfully stifled a massive yawn, ignoring the table's offering of a full English breakfast and reached for the coffee instead.

"Ugh, Vane is rank," Millicent muttered, wrinkling her nose. "Skinny bitch."

"I dunno," Theo chuckled, "I'd do her."

"Gregory says he prefers a little more meat on his women," Millicent said stoutly as she drowned her sausages in ketchup. "Don't you, Greggy?"

"That's right my sexy love muffin," Goyle said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leaning down to rub his nose against hers. "The more the merrier, I say."

Millicent gave a loud squeal of delight as his hand crept under the table and presumably grabbed something fleshy.

I stared at them in horror. How had I not noticed this vulgar display of affection before?

"Anyway," Daphne continued, keen to finish telling her tale, "apparently Potter took him to see Professor Slughorn, because he reckoned Weasley must have taken some kind of love potion, you see. And the next thing chaos has ensued and Weasley's unconscious body is being taken to the hospital wing!"

"So what makes you think he and old Sluggy got drunk?" Blaise asked, his eyebrows raised in a skeptical fashion.

"Because Potter was yelling up and down the corridor that it was the mead."

There was a loud crash as I dropped my coffee cup. On the table before me was a mess of broken china and flowing black liquid.

I had forgotten about the fucking mead.

"Dray, what's wrong?"

"I- I-"

"Watch out, Potter's about," Theo snickered as he siphoned up the spilt coffee with his wand.

I glanced up to see Harry storming into the Great Hall, his eyes scanning the occupants. It was only when they landed on me did I realise he somehow knew.

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now