19 - Father's Big Mistake

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Apparently, Daphne wasn't all wrong. Mother informed me that Auntie Bella was indeed hiding out at the Manor, and not only that but she was also staying in my room.

I was so angry. Malfoy Manor boasted over two hundred and fifty bedrooms and yet that bitch had to take mine?

Bells insisted that it will help her feel closer to her 'only' niece after all the years she's missed out on seeing you grow up. Oh, Draya, us all together with your aunt under the same roof again - isn't that wonderful? A joyous family home!

I could only conclude that my mother was on some seriously high shit.

I'm not going to lie, I was sorely tempted to hand Mother's letter into the authorities so they could deal with that bedroom stealing bitch once and for all.

But then I remembered that my parents didn't approve of traitors and would probably disown me in a heartbeat, and then I'd have to go and live with the Tonks' and trade in my designer dress robes for a pair of dungarees or whatever it was that common Muggles wore. I shuddered.

So, pushing down the dread about what was to greet me when I got home for the summer, I concentrated on my OWLs. All a piece of piss if you ask me.

Harry had to go and make some dramatic showdown during the History of Magic exam, of course, screaming and fainting over a little daydream.

Merlin. We are all doomed if he's truly the Chosen One (a stupid title which the Daily Prophet honoured him with the very next morning).

Oh yeah, all because he helped land my father in prison after yet again breaking about a thousand school rules.



News hadn't reached me of my father's incarceration until the next morning when I was rudely awaken by Daphne throwing my bed drapes open.

"Guess what?" She sang, her face aglow with excitement. "Umbridge is in the hospital wing! Oh, and Potter got your dad sent to Azkaban."

"He did WHAT?!" I hollered. I knew that little shit was up to no good the second he convinced Professor Umbridge to follow him and the Mudblood into the Forbidden Forest.

I was going to go after them to make sure she was alright, but then that Weasley bitch threw a fucking Hex at me. By the time I had come to, I felt tired, so I called it a day and went to bed.

"Apparently your dad tried to murder Potter and his mates or something," Daphne said at a rush, her eyes dancing, "and then You-Know-Who came back and your aunt killed Sirius Black! He's your cousin isn't he?!"

I shrugged. Maybe Aunt Bella had her uses after all.

"Please tell me that Potter at least got expelled for all of this?!"

"Nah, rumour has it that Dumbledore awarded him two hundred points and now Gryffindor have won the House Cup."


Merlin, if my thoughtless actions caused so much death and destruction, I would be expelled for sure. But oh, no, Saint Potter gets a fucking trophy.

"And what happened to Professor Umbridge?" I dared asked.

"Potter ordered some centaurs to deal with her." Daphne said, sadly shaking her head. "She's beyond traumatised by all accounts, poor woman."

"Right, that's it," I scowled, throwing my covers aside and jumping out of bed. "If he thinks he can get away with this..."

I carried on grumbling to myself as I pushed Daphne aside and headed towards the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, I was fiercely marching down the corridor, not stopping until I found-

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