7 - Snow White and the Huntsman

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I don't how he did it, but Harry Potter managed to save Hagrid's violent chicken.

I could barely glance at the Gryffindors' smug faces as they once again won the House Cup. Bile churned in my stomach at the site of the maroon flags draped around the Great Hall during the leaving feast.

The only positive thing of the year's end was saying bye-bye to Lupin and his ridiculous classes.

I mean, what was Dumbledore thinking hiring a werewolf to teach students in the first place? Although, I suppose, at this point, none should be surprised.

Still, one thing I had to look forward to over the summer was the Quidditch World Cup. Father and I were to be in the Minister's box by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself.

I couldn't wait to boast to the golden trio about it, so you can imagine how horrified I was to discover they too were up there, along with pretty much the rest of the entire Weasley clan, filling the box with their ginger hair and cheap rags.

I'm not going to lie, it totally ruined the whole game for me. My eyes burned angrily into the back of Harry's head as he laughed and joked about with Ron and Hermione. I wondered what they were talking about - what was making them giggle and whisper so much?

Even Viktor Krum couldn't cheer me up, and I was something of a huge fan. He was the only pin up I had on my bedroom wall and I'd often lie on my bed and just watch him zoom in and out of the poster on his broomstick for hours.

Yet somehow, I couldn't bring myself to even glance at him as I sat there in the stadium, the feeling in my chest so tight, I wanted to cry.

So, I was somewhat relieved when it was all over and I could go back to our pop up mansion tent to get some sleep.

"Ah- not so fast," Father said, laying a firm hand on my shoulder before I could saunter off to my sleeping quarters. "I need you to go and wait in the woods for a bit."

My mouth fell open. What the fuck? It was nearly midnight and I needed my beauty sleep, yet here he was demanding I go and hang out with a bunch of woodland animals.

"I promised your mother I would keep you out of any trouble, you see," he continued as his eyes shifted from side to side.

"Well, surely I'd be in less trouble if I was asleep in my bed?!"

"Ah- not necessarily. You go on, Draya, and promise me that you'll stay hidden at all times."

"But I-"


My shoulders slumped defeatedly. "I promise." I said in a small, resigned voice.

And just like that, he pushed me out into the night to fend for myself.


I kicked a tree, feeling angry and confused. Why the fuck had Father sent me into the woods? It was cold and dark, and I hated to admit it, but a little bit scary.

Choking back a tired sob, I leant back against the trunk of the tree I'd just abused and slid down to the cold ground, wrapping my robes tightly around me as I shivered.

I had been sitting there maybe only ten minutes when I heard the first bangs. I looked up sharply, my heart racing. It wasn't until the screams began did I jump up and squint into the night through the trees, witnessing the chaos for myself.

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now