35 - Some Friendly Advice

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And just like that, Gryffindor winning the Quidditch Cup was old news.

All anyone could talk about was the fact that Harry Potter and Draya Malfoy were fucking.

But that's not what bothered Harry. He couldn't care less about the gossip, or that everyone knew. If anything, he was relieved it was all out in the open.

No, what was bothering Harry was that he hadn't been able to speak to Draya about it since Snape had dragged him off the pitch and ordered him to remain in detention for the entire weekend.

When he was released on Sunday evening (Snape had 'kindly' provided Harry with a camp bed for the night, and bread and water throughout the day), Harry thought better of it than to go sneaking around the castle looking for her, even though he was desperate to hold her in his arms.

His return to the Gryffindor Tower was met with mixed reactions. Seamus slapped him on the back ("Two hot chicks fighting over you, you lucky bastard!"), Ginny stuck up her middle finger in his face and stormed up to her dormitory, and Hermione just shook her head and tutted before burying her head back behind her school book.

"Don't act like you didn't know!" Harry hissed angrily as he threw himself down on the sofa next to her. "It was your Murtlap Essence which actually got us together in the first place!"

"Yes, after you cut her open! Oh, Harry! What is wrong with you?" She said with an exasperated sigh, smacking her book shut down on her lap. "And what about Ginny? She's entirely in love with you, you know? You've broken her heart."

"I know, and I regret that." Harry muttered, driving a hand through his hair. "But she's like a sister to me, Hermione. I can't pretend there's anything there, not when I've got this amazing thing with Draya."

"Oh, Harry," Hermione sighed, shaking her bushy head, "you must realise that's just your penis talking? She's very attractive, and most people have probably fantasised about her naked, but that doesn't mean you should actually do anything about it! Think who her family are! For Merlin's sake, her father is currently in prison for trying to kill you just last year!"

"It's more than just sex, Hermione," Harry gritted, cringing at the way she was referring to his 'penis'. "I care about her. A lot."

"You care about a girl who calls your best friend slurs all because of her blood? You care about a girl who once wrote an entire song demeaning the Weasley's all just because she wanted to humiliate Ron?"

"Yeah, okay," Harry smarted, fidgeting in his seat, "I agree that wasn't her best side-"

"Wasn't her best side?! She doesn't have any other side, Harry! She's literally the devil who happens to have a very attractive body!"

Angry, Harry twisted round to glare at her. "Hermione, you're one of my best friends, and I love you, but I will not sit here and listen to you talk about Draya like that. There's so much more to her than you realise. She's not as tough as she makes out, it's all a front to protect herself!"

"Well then introduce her to a therapist - not your penis!"


Furious, Harry sprang to his feet and stormed across the common room, ignoring the snickers from the surrounding Gryffindors. The second he reached his dormitory, he went straight to his trunk and retrieved his map.

The tension he'd been experiencing eased a little when he located her in the girls dormitory of the Slytherin quarters. Sitting down on the edge of his bed, he lightly touched a finger to the ink of her name, smiling to himself.

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