31 - Murtlap Essence

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A/N: Thank you for your feedback guys. Here's another update. And be warned - it's a little heavy on the details 😘


Finally, after three long days, Madam Pomfrey deemed me fit enough to go back to classes, despite my abdomen still searing in pain with every step I took.

But I wanted to be free of the nurse's watchful eye so I could continue to finish the task I was so close to completing. So, grinning and bearing it, I threw my bag over my shoulder and left the hospital wing behind, struggling slowly and painstakingly through the castle's thankfully empty corridors.

The pain was making me nauseous, and I had barely gotten far when I stopped to take a breather, putting my bag down at my feet whilst I leant back against the stone wall and closed my eyes, waiting for the pain and dizziness to subside.

"Would you like some help?"

My eyes flew open in alarm, having not heard anyone approach, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of the Gryffindor before me.

His expression was soft... concerned even. There was nothing mocking in his eyes, the hatred that had flashed in them during our duel all but vanished.

But I wasn't about to let him off that easily, despite feeling ridiculously relieved to see him.

"You're seriously asking me that?" I scoffed. "After what you did?"

"Well, you were going to Crucio me."

"No more than you deserve!"

Harry's eyes flashed, then went dull, contriteness flooding his face.

"Yeah... probably."

A silence fell between us, but neither of us made any attempt to move.

"Does it hurt?" he eventually asked, his gaze lowering to my stomach, as though he might see the wound through my shirt.

"No, it just feels as though I was pissed on by a unicorn," I bit sarcastically. "Of course it fucking hurts - you sliced me right open!"

"I didn't know what that spell did. I didn't know it was going to cut you like that. I would have never have done it-"

"Where did you even learn something like that?" I interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "It's a bit dark for the Chosen One, isn't it?"

I didn't say it out loud, but despite the fact that he nearly killed me, I was grudgingly impressed.

Harry drove a hand through his hair causing it to fall back messily over his scar. "It doesn't matter."

"Whatever." I shrugged. "Anyway, as lovely as this chat has been, I've got somewhere to be."

I bent down to pick up my bag, forgetting about my wound. Pain shot through me, causing me to drop it back down to the ground as I sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth.

"Shit-" Harry muttered, swooping towards me and reaching down to pick up my bag for me. "Look, let me help you. After my detentions with Umbridge, Hermione would make up this amazing solution which really helped. I know it's not the same, but you could always give it a try."

I looked up at him, speechless. I opened my mouth to tell him to fuck off, but then changed my mind.

"And you're suggesting I ask her to make some up for me?" I snorted. "Yeah because she's really going to want to help me."

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