14 - No Slytherins Club

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"So?" Hermione pressed, looking at Harry in a rather agitated manner.

Harry tried to search his brain, wondering what on earth the woman was going on about now. He threw Ron a glance, begging him to help him out. But his so called best mate just shrugged unhelpfully, looking gormless as usual.

"Uh-" Harry said, panic making sweat prickle at the back of his neck. "I... um- I think I'll go for the lasagne."

She was asking about dinner options, wasn't she?

"Merlin, Harry," she sighed, rolling her eyes heavenwards and tutting impatiently, sounding not unlike Molly Weasley upon discovering her kitchen sink clogged up with Arthur's ginger chest hair, "you're worse than Ronald, you know that?!"

"I-" Harry's mouth fell open, lost for words.

"The meeting at the Hog's Head, tomorrow?" Hermione said, talking to him slowly as though he were a toddler needing potty training advice. "You'll be there, won't you? After all, everyone is expecting you."

Oh for fuck's sake, not this again.

"Um- yeah... sure," he muttered, feeling his face grow hot. "But it's not something I want to make a song and dance about. I mean... I'm not that good."

"Maybe not," Hermione rudely agreed, "but I'm afraid you're the best bet we've got. Plus, loads of people fancy you so we're expecting quite a good turn out."

"Who fancies me?" Harry asked, his interest finally piqued. If he could get a girlfriend out of this, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad, after all.

"Well, Cho Chang for a start," Hermione said brusquely, flipping her bushy mane back over her shoulder. "I heard her giggling about it in the girls' toilets this morning."

"Lucky git," Ron grumbled, glancing enviously towards the Ravenclaw table where Cho, who was admiring her stunning reflection in a hand mirror, looked very much over her dead boyfriend.

Harry felt a flutter of excitement. He didn't half have a thing for the Ravenclaw Seeker. Despite his best efforts of late, he was still a virgin, and the bonus about getting with Cho was that she'd at least be of legal age already.

"Alright," he drawled, slowly buttering a bread roll, "I'll be there. Just one thing though..."

"What's that?" Hermione frowned.

Harry glared over to where Draya Malfoy was sat exchanging furtive whispers with those stupid baboons she insisted on hanging out with, the mere sight causing anger to spark in his stomach.

"No Slytherins allowed."


Harry was up to something.

I caught him sneaking into the Hog's Head with Ron and Hermione.

Keen to catch the golden trio dabbling in a bit of underage drinking, I got rid of Crabbe and Goyle by telling them I had period pain and therefore urgently needed them to fetch me some Chocolate Frogs from Honeydukes, and quietly sneaked towards the pub.

But it wasn't Firewhisky they were after - no, it was much worse. They were participating in some kind of club meet in which Harry stood up in front of everyone and told them all how great he was.

His audience literally lapped up his every word, gazing at him as though he were some kind of god.

"Remember," Harry said sagely, pushing his shirt sleeves up to his elbows, "I defeated Voldemort when I was still shitting in nappies."

"And that was just last year!" Seamus Finnigan hollered loudly, causing the room to roar with laughter. 

I watched as a chuckling Harry wiped a tear from his eye, waiting for everyone's laughter to subside before he continued with his speech.

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