28 - The Greater Good

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"Potter keeps staring at you. It's weird."

I pushed my salad around my plate with my fork, barely listening as Pansy spoke next to me.

"Apparently your aunt burnt the Weasley's house down over Christmas," Daphne said at a rush as she looked eagerly across the table at me. "Maybe he's plotting his revenge?"

"Uh-huh," I muttered dully, "yeah, maybe."

"Or maybe he just fancies her," Pansy giggled, nudging her elbow in my arm. "You two would make a cute couple. Very Romeo and Juliet-esq."

"As if I'd kill myself over that twat," I sniffed, irritated at the way this conversation was going.

"Potter is hot, though," Millicent agreed, nodding her head with enthusiasm, "I wouldn't kick him out of bed."

"Oooo, you're so naughty, Millie!" Daphne shrieked. "Just don't tell Gregory!"

I looked up sharply. "Goyle? What's he got to do with anything?"

"Duh, because he and I have been hooking up since Halloween." Millicent said, giving me a look as though she thought I was stupid. "Everyone knows about it."

Well I didn't, I fumed silently, glaring over at Goyle who was whispering something in Crabbe's ear, the both of them smirking widely. Why didn't he tell me? All those times he sat grunting and farting next to me in class and he didn't think to share that he was knobbing my roommate?

"It's a pity he's porking Weasley's little sister though," Daphne said through a mouthful of curry. "What a waste."

I fidgeted in my seat trying to ignore the jealously that was consuming me. Daphne rarely got these things wrong. It was her gift.

"Isn't she a bit young?" I snarked, "last time I checked shagging a minor made you a pedo."

The table went silent as everyone stopped eating and exchanged guilty looks. I guess they'd all been at it for years then. I had never felt more removed from my classmates than in that moment. And then I thought bitterly about my Dark Mark and how if it hadn't been forced upon me then I too would be enjoying sex just like the rest of my generation.

"Where are you going?" Pansy called as I snatched up my bag and left the table.


"Oh okay then, have fun!"


As I stormed past the Gryffindor table, my eyes met Harry's. My heart skipped a beat and I inwardly scolded myself.

To my surprise, he jumped up from his seat and stepped out in front of me, blocking my path.

"Fancy some company?" He murmured as he lightly touched a hand to my elbow.

Incredulous, I looked up at him, giving him a 'what the fuck?' expression.

But instead of retreating, he moved closer to me and my breath quickened as I caught the scent of his cologne.

"A touch bold of you, Potter," I sneered, stepping back away from him, "to act this way in front of your girlfriend?"

Confusion flickered over his face. I looked pointedly towards where Ginny Weasley was sat, her face a furious shade of scarlet as she glared in our direction, clutching her knife and fork tightly in her fists.

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now