33 - Bedtime Stories

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"Hey, Gin, wait up! I need to talk to you!"

The red haired girl immediately stopped and wheeled around at Harry's words, her face flushing prettily as her lips pulled into an instant smile.

"Hey, Harry," she sang, "you heard about me and Dean, then?"

Harry hesitated, confused. He was actually about to ask her if she could step in for him as Seeker during the final against Ravenclaw.

"You and Dean?" He wondered if this meant they'd already reorganised the team. He had been hoping that Dean would take Ginny's place as Chaser.

Beaming, Ginny skipped across the common room towards where he was sat on the sofa, working on his contingency plans for the team. Uninvited, she sat down next to him, so close that her thigh pressed against his. Harry caught a whiff of her perfume and thought that although she smelt nice, Draya smelt a thousand times better.

Just the thought of the Slytherin made him ache with longing. It'd been three days since they'd managed to make time for each other in the Room. Harry had been busy sorting out the Quidditch team amongst trying to get that fucking memory from Slughorn. Dumbledore had been unimpressed by his excuses and demanded that he put it above everything else, including girls.

If Draya minded, she didn't show it. She seemed to have distractions of her own. Although whenever Harry looked out for her on the map, he'd find her nowhere. It disconcerted him, but he never asked about her absences because he'd promised he would stop prying.

Next to him, Ginny flicked her hair back over her shoulder and coyly looked up at him, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Things just weren't working out," she said, which just confused Harry even more, "he's devastated, of course, but I couldn't continue living a lie, not when my heart lies else where."

Wait? Was she leaving the team? But Harry needed her! No one else in Gryffindor other than him played Seeker quite like her.

"Why am I hearing about this only now?" Harry asked, feeling slightly annoyed he wasn't consulted earlier. He may not be able to play because of the detentions, but he was still the captain! "Ginny, I need you."

"Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that," she breathed, her face literally lighting up with joy, "because you know I feel the same way."

She placed a hand on his knee which Harry hurriedly brushed away. What the hell was going on?

Hurt flitted across Ginny's face, but she quickly composed herself. "Oh, I see. It's Ron, isn't it? Don't worry, he'll come around in time."

"Uh- Gin," Harry said, feeling a little panicked by what was happening. "I think you might have the wrong-"

"Oh, hey guys," Ron boomed as he strode over to the sofa, "did I hear my name?"

Harry looked up, guilty. He felt as though he had been caught doing something wrong, but all he wanted to do was get this team thing sorted out so he could go and find Draya and enjoy her company.

"Relax brother," Ginny muttered, "we were just talking about Quidditch, weren't we, Harry?"

Harry let out a breath of relief. So she had been talking about the team! For a frightening minute then, he thought he'd accidentally agreed to be her boyfriend.

Quickly, he explained to them his plan, apologising profusely once again for landing himself a detention.

"Don't worry about it," Ron shrugged. "It was worth it to see someone putting that bitch in her place."

"Yeah," Ginny agreed. "You only gave her what she deserved. The stuck up cow."

Harry experienced a wave of red hot anger. He swallowed, trying not to react. "She almost died. No one deserves that."

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