20 - Cruel Summer

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Well, wasn't it a shock when I was greeted at the door of my own home by Aunt Bellatrix herself.

It was like coming face to face with a celebrity. I was literally awestruck. Her presence was unnerving, the vividness of her beauty even more so.

I hovered uncomfortably as she stood blocking the threshold, surveying me through heavily lidded eyes as though contemplating whether or not to permit me entry.

Just when I was about to call over her shoulder for my mother, she stepped quite suddenly forward and gathered me into a fierce, unexpected hug. My nostrils were suffocated by the sweet scent of vanilla and cinnamon. This was a surprise. She always struck me as someone who would wear the scent of a poisonous plant... something bitter and offensive.

"Draya, Draya," her gravelled voice spoke above me as she lovingly stroked my hair, "we finally reunite. Aunt and niece... mentor and mentee..."

"Um... hi?" I said, my voice muffled against the folds of her dress as she held me tighter against her. Merlin, talk about over stepping the boundaries. I wasn't used to being around extended family members - but surely this was a bit much? And what on earth was she rambling on about - mentor and mentee?

"Bella. Is that my daughter?"

My mother's sharp voice rang out in the entrance hall behind my aunt. I couldn't help but notice the strain of her tone, and I was almost too afraid to look up and no doubt see the misery swimming in her eyes.

Slowly, and if seemingly a little reluctantly, Bellatrix let me go and stepped aside, revealing my mother who had just reached the bottom of the grand staircase.

I had to stifle the gasp at the sight of her. Her face had hollowed significantly, and, below her sunken eyes, dark shadows had taken residence.

"Darling," my mother said, her smile tight, "welcome home."

She did not look like she wanted to welcome me home at all. In fact, she made no attempt to close the gap between us, no attempt to envelop me in her arms as she always did upon my return from school.

A coldness swept over me and I swallowed, suddenly wishing I was still on the train amongst my friends. Seeing Mother like this... it made my father's incarceration suddenly feel all too real.

"Um-" I said awkwardly, trying to ignore Bellatrix's curious gaze. "I might just go up and settle back in my room-"

"I'm afraid your aunt is currently occupying it." Mother interrupted. "Although I'm sure I can get the house-elves to make up another-"

"Oh, don't be so silly, Cissy!" Bellatrix laughed as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and squeezed. "Draya and I will share, won't we? After all, we could do with a nice little girly chat. We do, after all, have so much to discuss."

We did? Unless she wanted to talk about the highs and lows of prison food vs school dinners, I was completely stumped.

To my surprise, my mother continued to look uneasy, wringing her hands together. "Bella, I don't think that's a good idea. Draya is a teenage girl who needs her own space-"

But Auntie Bella wouldn't budge, railroading both me and Mother in agreeing to let her stay put. I wondered why Mother was suddenly so anxious to keep our new house visitor away from me, especially as she previously seemed keen on the idea.

So there it was. I was stuck with a fucking roomie all summer. As if it wasn't bad enough I had to share at Hogwarts.

Bellatrix insisted we share my double bed ("Don't worry, darling niece, I don't bite... much!"). But that was just a step too far for me and instead opted to pull out my sofa bed. My aunt found it hysterical that I wasn't allowed to do magic, and cackled away as I struggled to work out the mechanics of the bastard thing.

Draya MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now