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Everyone was at brunch

Well...almost everyone, Harry and Ginny hadn't arrived and Hermione had a feeling they weren't going to join

Draco nudged Hermione when he saw her lost in thought, she gave him a sad smile and knew what she was thinking, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles

"Where's Potter?" Theo asked "the bloke owes me fifty galleons"

"What for?" Draco asked confused

"I won the bet" Theo smirked


Harry and Ginny entered the restaurant and their friends greeted them

Harry looked at Hermione and they exchanged a look before Hermione gave him a small, sad smile

"Who died?" Theo asked confused "you two look like someone died"

Ginny and Harry shared a look and took in a deep breath

"We...broke up..." Ginny spoke first

Crickets could be heard at the table


"What happened?!"

"Are you okay?!"

Once Harry and Ginny managed to calm them down, they explained that they were having relationship problems for a long time and their relationship was up in flames months ago before they had finally admitted that they weren't working anymore

They came to the agreement together and they both hoped that eventually they'll find their way back to each other

"Girls night!" Ginny cheered as the groups broke apart, but Hermione could detect the sadness in her voice

Hermione squeezed Ginny's hand as their group of friends made plans for that night

Brunch went by and the group said their goodbyes, Draco led Hermione to the entrance before they were stopped by Theo who had a smirk on his face

"So...a little birdie told me that you two have been spending a lot of time together"

Draco and Hermione shared a synchronized eye roll that caused Theo to giggle like a school girl who just discovered her crush liked her back, he put his arms over their shoulders and caused Draco to glare at him

"We're not dating Theodore" Hermione said and tried to shove him off

"Now, now Hermione 'you mustn't tell lies', don't worry babe...I won't tell" he winked

"Off!" Draco ordered and shoved Theo off before helping Hermione out the door

"You're smitten Malfoy! You've had a crush on her since—"

The door shut on Theo as Draco apperated them to her flat, they waited for a second before another crash was heard and Theo stood before them

"My oh my...someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Theo tsk'ed "is that any way to behave with your best friend?"

"You're not my best friend" both Draco and Hermione say at the same time

Theo giggled again as he clapped his hands

"Og goodie, Pansy owes me a blowjob for calling it—"

"Ew!" Hermione exclaimed, "you're so gross, were you dropped on your head or something? What made you this crass and immature?"

"Well, maybe the fact that my mother died when I was a wee lad and I watched her die, or maybe it was the fact that I had a neglectful father growing up, oh! Maybe it was a half-blood, no-nose psychopath who corrupted all the pureblooded minds into doing his bidding, or maybe it was the one year stint I did in Azkaban—"

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