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Hermione along with the rest of the ladies were spending the day in France with Narcissa

Hermione laughed at something Pansy had said and looked at Lavender who looked worse for wear

"You okay?" She asked softly

Lavender turned to her and gave her a soft smile

"Yes, it's just the wolf acting up" she murmured

Their teas came and Hermione looked at Lavender who looked like she was going to be sick

The full moon has alread passed so that could mean...

"Oh my gods!"

All the other witches turned to Hermione who was blinking owlishly

"What?" Ginny asked

"Blasted...I owe Ron ten galleons" Lavender muttered

"What's going on?" Narcissa asked

Lavender took a deep breath

"I was trying to wait to tell all of you, we wanted the group to be together...but I'm...pregnant" Lavender smiled

All the witches waited


"Oh my gods!"

"Oh this is so exciting!"

"I call godmother!"

Lavender laughed as her friends all began to argue for the title of godmother

"We have actually already decided" Lavender spoke up

They all looked at Lavender


Lavender reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. She extended it to Hermione and she gawked at her

"Oh come on! I'd have such a better chance if Lav was still jealous of you" Ginny muttered

Lavender laughed tearfully

"I hate these hormones" Lavender sniffed "but I would love—Ron and I would love you to be our baby's godmother, there's no one—"

"What are we ghosts?" Ginny muttered

"I think we're hallucinations" Pansy added

Lavender rolled her eyes

"So? Will you?" Lavender asked

"Y-Y-Yes! Absolutely! Yes absolutely!" Hermione laughed and hugged Lavender tightly

Lavender let out a laugh of relief as she hugged the witch

"Oh thank Morgana" Lavender laughed as she pulled back

Hermione looked at the simple necklace

"Whose the godfather?" Narcissa asked



"It was Ron's decision" Lavender smiled

"That'll be a day that goes down in the history books" Ginny laughed

She was soon joined by the rest of the women

Hermione looked at the strange group, all unique in their own ways, a friendship that she knew wouldn't have happened had it not been for the war

In a strange way, the aftermath of the war did what was needed

It destroyed most prejudice

"Draco?! Bloody hell!" Pansy laughed

Everyone laughed

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