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Three days had passed since Draco's subtle confession

And it seemed as if everything was trying to stop Hermione from telling him that she also felt the same way

Hermione was chewing her nails while she tried so hard to listen to this very pointless—important meeting

Her mind was elsewhere and she couldn't for the life in her to pay attention to the wizard rambling about who knew what

She kept trying to find a way to tell Draco that she also liked him

Which was going to be a mission on itself considering that it's been three days

She just hoped that he didn't take her silence as a rejection

When the pointless meeting ended. She got up and swiftly made her way out. Ignoring the other Tamers calling after her

She dropped her things in her office before sprinting to the Floo

She called out Draco's flat and when she entered. She called out his name but there was no reply. She swore and pulled out her phone and dialled his number

"You have reached the voicemail of Draco Malfoy, please leave a message and I'll try to figure out this bloody thing"

Hermione laughed softly at his voicemail message before hanging up and dialling again

He didn't respond

Hermione called for five full minutes when she realized that Draco wasn't going to answer

Hermione sat on his couch and felt her hope starting to fade

Was he angry at her?

Was he avoiding her?

Didn't he want to be in her life anymore?

Her mind began to run with questions that would only break her heart furthermore. She didn't know what to think but all she could think about was such a beautiful night she almost had with Draco had their friends not intervened

Hermione had been so close to tell him that not only did she like him. But she was in love with him

Hermione felt herself starting to cry as her doubts got the best of her. She got up and weakly called out her flat before stepping through the green flames and emerging in her home

It was empty without Draco

Draco spend more of his time at her flat than at his own. He even had his own dresser in her room

Crookshanks came up to her and rubbed his body against her legs. She sniffed and picked him up. Crookshanks licked her tears and nuzzled into her neck as she sat down and cried

She didn't know what to do

Crookshanks continued to try to console her as Hermione cried. She didn't know what to think, she had been too late to tell him how she felt about him and now she had missed her chance

Hermione sniffed and put Crookshanks down. She needed to go drown her sorrows. She'll worry about her friendship with Draco  tomorrow. Today...

Today she needed to worry about finding the bottom of a bottle...

Or twenty

She'll figure it out after the fifth bottle

"I'll be back" she murmured softly. Crookshanks meowed and rubbed his body against her legs

"I'll bring you something" she whispered "some fish chips"

Crookshanks meowed and that was the last thing she heard before she was consumed by the flames

She stepped through the green flames and turned up in the Leaky Cauldron, she made her way to the bar when she stopped cold

Draco was there...

Sitting with Astoria Greengrass

In a secluded corner

Looking like a perfect couple

Hermione watched as they looked cozy with one another. Smiling softly and chatting with one another. She was forced to watch as Astoria placed a hand on his shoulder and laughed softly. Draco threw his head back and laughed

His laughter echoed through the pub. It was like a distorted song when it entered her ears. Her once favourite sound now made her heart crack

Hermione felt like such a fool

She was played

Draco Malfoy didn't do relationships

They had just gotten stuck in the thrill of what if...

They had been taken on a magical trip of the line

The line between friends and lovers

But seeing him with such a perfect pureblood witch just reminded her that she will never be that pure for him

It was as if she was doused with freezing cold water. She was reminded just how different they were

And standing here like a fool just reminded her

She needed to go before he saw her and felt pity for her

She wouldn't be able to handle it

She wouldn't be able to handle seeing him try to come up with some poor excuse that would only break her heart even more

Hermione tried to hold back her tears as she scurried back to the fireplace and all but fell thorough the green flames

She dropped to her knees and began to sob

She felt so embarrassed

Her heart was in a million pieces at her feet

She pulled out her wand and put up her wards. The wood fell from her hand and clattered on the wooden floor before she hugged herself and wept

She didn't want to see anyone

Not Pansy

Not Ginny

Not Lavender nor Ron

Not Harry or Blaise, or Theo

But especially...she especially didn't want to see Draco Lucius Malfoy

Another player who broke her poor miserable heart that hadn't thought anything through before catching feelings for the one person she had so desperately tried to not fall for

But now she worried that she'll never fix it again

Crookshanks meowed sadly and came up to her and wiggled himself into her arms. Hermione wept into his fur as Crookshanks tried to kiss away her tears

But unfortunately Hermione fell asleep on her rug with tear stains on her cheeks and Crookshanks meowing sadly as he cuddled his heartbroken Familiar

He stayed guard all night as Hermione would release a sniffle now and then. Each time she did. Crookshanks would lick her cheeks and rub his head against her neck

Neither of them knew that Draco was trying to Floo into her flat but was locked out without an explanation

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