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Draco was in his photo studio finishing up a shot when the door bell ringed he looked up from his camera

"Tori?" He asked. Confused as to why Astoria Greengrass was in his studio after disappearing from the face of the world

"Hi Draco" she smiled softly "you busy?"

Draco looked at his watch

It's been a few days since he has seen Hermione and it seemed that she didn't want to see him

Well he got his answer

She didn't like him like that

He forced down his feelings and turned back to his technically fiancée

"No. I'm not"

"Want to get some fish and chips at the Leaky Cauldron?" She asked

He nodded

He put his camera in his case and debated on going home

He decided against it and just put on his coat as he locked his camera in the vault in his office before locking the door behind him and smiling at Astoria

"Your mother gave me your cellphone but I've been calling for a week, but all I got was your voicemail"

"Oh yeah...I dropped my phone during a wedding shoot and it fell into a pond, I haven't had time to get it fixed, or changed" he explained

"Ah" Astoria said "well when you do get it fixed, I'd love to exchange numbers" she told him

"Erm Tori...I'm sort of in a relationship" he told her

"With Hermione Granger?" She smirked "I'm not an idiot, I read every newsletter, you and Hermione have been on the front page of every day"

He chuckled softly and ran a hand through his hair

Embarrassed about the assumption

"Don't worry Draco, I am madly in love with my husband" Astoria assured

"Y-You're married?!" He exclaimed

Astoria nodded as she tapped her wand against the brick wall

"Yes" she said

"But your curse—"

"Ah that pesky thing" Astoria said "it's only triggered by me having children, so my husband and I have decided to get a surrogate, I'm tying my tubes after I remove my eggs"

"Really?" He asked

They settled in a corner booth

"Yes, my husband loves me and is willing to do anything for me"

"Is he a—"

"He's a muggleborn" she smiled "it seemed that we both fell for muggleborns"

"Well that is making our ancestors roll in their graves"

Astoria laughed and placed a hand on his arm. Draco joined with his boastful laugh and enjoyed catching up with one of his childhood friends before their parents thought it was going to be a bright idea to get engage their five year olds for a marriage that neither of them would want to have

What neither of them had noticed was a heartbroken Hermione Granger watching the scene without explanation

Draco had heard the fireplace roar to life and turned to the fireplace but didn't see who had left. He shrugged and turned back to Astoria

"So...you and Hermione? I thought you two hated each other?"

Draco explained almost everything. They caught up and got to know each other lives. Apparently Astoria already had a five year old daughter that she had adopted when she first started rebelling against her parents

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