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Draco sat before his still pissed off mother

It had been humiliating being scolded like a six year old in the middle of the street

He was going to strangle Theo with his bare hands

The fireplace roared to life and shuffling was heard

"Miss Granger has arrived! Mister Malfoy and Lady Malfoy await you!"

Draco could hear Hermione's soft laugh bouncing off the walls as she talked to the young elf. He smiled unknowingly and his mother caught a glimpse of it

She smiled to herself and hid it behind her teacup

"I am so sorry I'm late—"

"It's alright Darling, you're here now" Narcissa smiled

Draco rolled his eyes

He sometimes wondered if his mother liked Granger more than she liked him

He wouldn't blame his mother

Hermione had something that made everyone love her

"Here" Draco smiled, extending a bouquet

The piece was a combination of white lilies, daisies, apple blossoms, red carnations, and white chrysanthemum

He had no idea what the combination meant, his mother had tried to drill him with flower meanings when he had been thirteen and started to notice girls. But Draco had been far more interested in seeing a girl's breast than giving her flowers so he never paid attention

Hermione blushed as she took them


She took a whiff of the flowers and Draco watched as her eyes flutter close

He knows that she likes being surprised by flowers and other cheesy things. An idea she grew up with watching her parents being hopeless romantics with one another and all those soppy romance books and movies she watches on the telly

She never outright told him though. He knew she was embarrassed but he knew her like the palm of his hand. He sees the way she lights up whenever they watch a romance movie or how her eyes glisten when she reads the scene in one of her books

And quite honestly. He wasn't going to get her flowers. He had walked past this small flower store tucked away in the wall and the scent drew him in. The nice lady manning the till took one look at him and already had the bouquet for him

He had no idea how she had put together such a beautiful piece

But he was glad he had entered the store

The look on Hermione's face was one of perfection

"They're beautiful, thank you Draco" Hermione smiled softly, Draco blushed when she used his given name, she rarely used it. But whenever she did. It caused this weird flutter in his stomach

Before he could linger on it anymore, his mother cleared her throat and they both turned their attention back to Narcissa

"Tea?" Narcissa asked

The two blushing young adults nodded and were served by the all too excited elves. The three of them chatted all morning into the early afternoon. When all their spirits were sated, it was time for Hermione to make her way out

"Do come again soon Darling, I barely see you" Narcissa chastised as she kissed Hermione's cheeks "there is this boutique in France that I know you will love, I'll invite the rest of the girls and we'll have lunch at the Au Pied de Cochon and tea at the Mariage Frères, it's been so long since we've all had a girls day" Narcissa said

"I'll let you know when I'll be free again" Hermione smiled

Narcissa cupped her cheek before Hermione said her final goodbyes and left for work, Narcissa settled down and looked at her son

"What?" Draco asked confused

"I'm very glad that you never paid attention to me when you were younger"


Hermione looked up to the bouquet for the thousandth time. Her brain begged her to search up the meaning for each and every flower but her heart was telling her otherwise

To let this be a secret only her heart knew

Hermione touched the petals delicately, she giggled softly to herself and felt her cheeks heating up again

She really shouldn't be feeling like this

But when Draco gave her the flowers...

She knew it was part of the act. A way to trick Narcissa that they were truly dating

After all, boyfriends got their girlfriends flowers most of the time

But none of Hermione's boyfriends had ever given her flowers. Assuming that because she was very vocal about equality that she would not appreciate a man giving her flowers

It broke her heart every valentines day or every birthday or hell, even every other Tuesday not getting a small gesture. Dozens of witches in the Ministry flaunt around the flowers that their partners had given them for no apparent reason. She watched longingly as Blaise, Theo, and Ron gave their wives flowers on a Monday because it reminded them of her

Hermione had to keep telling herself that it was an act. That it was just a pureblood tradition

But these flowers were hers

For once in her adult life, she had finally shown up to the ministry with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. For once in her life she had other witches looking at her and asking a dozen questions about where she got the flowers and who sent them to her

And for once in her life

She felt as if her father had chosen the right man for her

Even if it was fake and temporary

Hermione turned back to her files and forced herself to work

To distract herself from those thoughts that threatened to consume her

It was not safe

Hermione couldn't lose her best friend

So she wouldn't

Hermione manager to work through the day and when the day came to an end, Hermione grabbed her things and then grabbed her flowers that she had assumed that Draco managed to preserve. She walked out of her office and made her way to her Floo

She arrived to her flat, Crookshanks immediately greeted her and rubbed his body against her legs, Hermione giggled softly and dropped her purse before she bent down and picked up her Familiar

Hermione entered the kitchen and put her flowers into a vase, she put them in and tucked the flowers properly, she grabbed a bottle of beer and walked back to her living room, she settled both of them down and turned on the telly

The Notebook was playing, Hermione took a swing of her drink and cuddled Crookshanks closer to her chest

Hermione watched as the movie progressed

She was wondering if there would be one day that she would ever find someone she would love so much even though she would have forgotten everything

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