Die all, die merrily - 04x10

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"I'm Luna kom Floukru and I'm the last of my clan." I know where this is going. I know what she'll do if she wins, correction, when she wins. "Accept this sigil, Luna kom Floukru, but with your clan gone, who will you fight for?", the new flamekeeper says. "I fight for no one. I fight for death. When I win, no one will be saved."

"Don't you want to build a new life? Find a home and have peace?", I say as Luna and I finally sit down and rest in a cave not far from Polis."With who? All my people are dead." "There are other people, you know." She doesn't respond. "I'm sorry about Nyko and the others", I say hesitantly. "They are in a better place now." After a long silence she speaks again. "Why did you want to come with me so bad?" "Because I think you're right about what you said when we arrived on Becca's island: all we do is lie and murder, and I'm done with that", I answer a little too honest. "So you came with me to die? That's dedication." "I figured it's better to die with someone you care about", I say as I look her in the eye. She doesn't say anything and my eyes flicker towards her lips as I lean in slowly. Just when we're about to kiss, she turns her head away. "We need to build a fire." 

"So, now that we have a campfire, we should really tell each other stories", I say as the warmth of the fire makes me want to open up. "Why should we do that?", she asks a little weary. "Because that's what people did before the bombs and all this." I point out with my arms in all directions. "I've lived on earth my whole life, so I know what people did, and it's not that. It's lying, betraying people and killing them, not telling stories at a fire." "Way to bring the mood down, Luna. And my father was a history teacher on the ark before he got floated, so I'm pretty sure they did do that", I say a little quieter now. "Okay, tell me a story then", she smiles.  

"... and that's how Orpheus lost Eurydice for the second time." "That's actually really tragic", Luna says after the story is done. "Yeah, but there's a moral: trust the people you care about or you'll lose them." "So when you were young, all you did was read stories of ancient times? That sounds a lot more fun than fighting in a conclave", she says as the conversation dies down. "Funny, now that they are holding another final conclave, I'm actually looking forward to it", she continues. "What are you talking about?" I look at her in confusion. "When I was gathering wood, I came across some people on their way to Polis. They said someone found a bunker and the winner of the final conclave can hide in there with their clan." 

"You're not actually considering to go, are you?" It stays silent. "Luna, even if you win, who are you going to share the bunker with? You can't just randomly choose", I say, hoping to convince her to stay. "That won't be necessary. No one is going in that bunker." "You don't mean that." The look on my face says all. "I have another moral for your story: don't give people a second chance, you'll only end up getting hurt." She stands up and dusts herself off. "Where are you going?", I say as I stand up too. "I'm going to win the conclave." 

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