Human trials - 02x05

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It's dark in the homes of the grounders from Tondc. Searching people's homes isn't a one-person job, but Bellamy and Monroe left to bring Mel to Camp Jaha. She was really grateful that we saved her when some people from the Ark crashed down. I take my time to search thoroughly for Clarke and the others while Finn and Murphy watch the grounders. I didn't exactly like the way Finn drew them together in a pen, but we'll release them when it's done.

I've searched all the houses when I hear people shouting. I run towards the noise and see Finn yelling at people and pointing his gun at them. "What are you doing? Our friends aren't here!", I yell at him. "Why did the guy with one eye tell us they're here then?" Finn starts to lose his patience. "Maybe because you had a gun to his head, Finn", Murphy says sarcastically. "Okay, we need to go now." I pull Finn with me.

Just when we're about to leave, a man jumps out of the pen and starts running. Finn turns around with a jerk and shoots the man down without blinking. "He was just trying to get away!" The grounders start shouting at him. A little boy escapes the pen and I see Finn pointing his gun at him. With a lunge I jump at him and we struggle for the gun when I hear the sound of a gun firing.

I immediately look at the boy who came running but he seems to be fine. Angry because Murphy points his gun at him, but unharmed. A hard blow to my jaw catches me off guard and I tumble to the ground. More and more people try to escape the pen and I see the craziness in Finn's eyes. I know that if he kills the grounders, we can never have peace.

Right before he can shoot, I push the gun away again. But this time it's not a grounder who falls to the ground, it's Finn. The little boy that Murphy was holding back stands triumphantly above Finn. I don't notice the knife he holds until I see a small puddle of blood forming where Finn lies. "No!" I kneel down to look at his wound. It's deep. I rip a piece of his shirt off and firmly hold it on his wound. In my anger I don't see the other grounders escaping the pen and coming for us.

"Stop!", I suddenly hear. Octavia comes running towards us with Bellamy and someone else behind her. It's Clarke, I could recognize that blonde hair everywhere. A wave of emotions crashes over me and I mostly feel relieved that she isn't dead. She immediately goes to sit next to me and helps Finn with his wounds, looking at me with a questionable glare. "I...we were looking for you and I was searching the homes and they were watching the grounders but then Finn killed one so the little boy killed him", I ramble not daring to look at Clarke.

She doesn't say anything, just focuses on Finn. I look at the little boy and I can feel my anger coming up. "You did this!" I lunge forward and try to hit him with my fists, but Bellamy catches me. "Let me go!" "No, you need to calm down!", he says. It just fuels my anger and before he can say anything else, I kick his shin.

"Hey! Calm down." Clarke puts her hand on my arm and pulls me closer. "It's okay. Octavia is talking to the grounders, you won't get in trouble. We can walk away, okay?" She whispers in my ear. "What about Finn?" I ask when I'm calmed down. Clarke looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Finn's gone."

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