God complex - 04x08

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"No." We all stare at her in shock. The world is dying and the only one who can save us is Luna, again. "I won't allow my blood to kill anymore innocent people", she says sternly. "But what if it could save us all?", I ask in an attempt to convince her. "I made up my mind. I'm going." I step out of her way, reluctant because, even though I'd deny it if anyone asked, I started to have feelings for her. But it's her choice and I accept it, although not everyone does. Before I know it, Roan and Luna are engaged in a fight with Roan already lying on the ground.

He jumps up and kicks Luna hard in the hip which obviously still hurts from taking bone marrow. My fingers tingle and I clench my fists, ready for action but I stop myself with a simple explanation: if I rebel, I'll be the next test person. "Roan, stop!", my mouth betrays me. He looks at me for a moment before he tackles Luna to the ground and holds her in a headlock. I can't take it anymore and rush forward to shove him off her. He punches me right on the nose and I grunt in pain before I hear the unmistakably click of a gun. "Don't do anything stupid", Miller says.

Next thing I know, I'm being dragged to the room where Murphy and Emori are kept. Roan ties my hands together around the stairs while Miller still has his gun pointed at me. I look up at Clarke and Raven, my supposedly friends who are willing to lock me up and take someone's bone marrow without consent. Just like old times in Mount Weather. "Please don't do this, Clarke", I say as I feel a strain of blood fall from my nose. "There's no other option. We have to do this", she says back, closing the doors.

"Did you finally come to the conclusion that they're assholes?", Murphy says with a sarcastic laugh when the others are gone. "Go float yourself", I say as I position myself so that I can wipe the blood from my nose. "So, how does it feel to be locked up by the person you love? You do still love her, don't you?", he continues. I say nothing as he looks at me intensely and a smirk creeps up his face. "Ooh, you found someone new! Who is it? Raven? Abby? Definitely Abby, I can see you two being all serious and murdering innocent people to 'save everyone'. Wait, our Wanheda is not going to like you fooling around with her mom." "Okay, Murphy, you know what? Just shut up!" I turn to him, finally losing my patience. "I did nothing wrong to you and yet you keep provoking me, like you do with everyone."

"Okay first of, you did something wrong. You believed just like everyone else that I killed Wells and, second of, you blame me for Finn's dead." He says it like it's just some minor inconvenience, that it doesn't matter that he's dead. I clench my jaw and feel my blood boiling for the first time in months. "You could've stopped that kid from stabbing him but you chose to watch the show instead. So yeah, I blame you. Besides, Wells was my best friend so it's my right to be mad when he's murdered and I already apologized to you."

Just when Murphy opens his mouth to argue, the giant door slides open and Clarke comes walking in along with Miller and Roan. "Clarke, what did you do to her?", I ask, hoping they didn't hurt Luna when taking bone marrow. "She's okay", is the only answer she gives me. Murphy follows the conversation in silence before suddenly smirking. "So it's Luna who you dumped Clarke for." My eyes immediately flicker towards Clarke and she has a pained expression on her face. "No, that's...", I begin to explain but I'm cut of by her. "We're here to take Emori." 

Murphy and I have been sitting here in silence since they took Emori an hour ago, or so I guess. "I'm sorry about Emori", I say to break the silence. "Well, since you're so 'nice' to apologize I'll say sorry too. I'm sorry about Finn, and Wells. Are you happy now?", he says with his natural sarcastic look. "Very happy." Suddenly the door opens again, earlier than expected. Emori comes running in and immediately goes to hug Murphy. "Clarke took it", she says, burying her head in his jacket.

"What do you mean Clarke took it?", I say as Miller cuts me loose. Nobody answers so I run into the lab. In the corner of my eye I see Luna laying unconsciously on a bed but I focus myself as I stand before Clarke. "Is it true? Did you take it?" She nods. "You can't do that", I say as the panic courses through me. "You wanted another option, you have one now." She remains strong and she seems much more colder and distant than normal. "I didn't mean this. You'll die!", I yell at her, without meaning to. "You'll die", I say now calmly. My voice cracks a little and my eyes well up. "I don't want to lose you too."

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