New Home?

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Whistling one of your favorite tunes, you stepped down the stairs if you were just casually on a stroll, not knowing that a ton of killer robots were suddenly aware that someone is entering their domain. The room you were in was dark but a few flickering lights made it not too terrible. The place seemed devoid of life, just to make sure and to scare anyone off that was nearby, you yelled, ''HOWDY! HELLO! BONJOUR! OR AS SOME PEOPLE MIGHT EVEN SAY SALUTATIONS!... If you live in the 1800's.'' The walls echoed your welcome 'speech' and you giggled a little. "Tough crowd eh?'' you said as you sauntered into the next room like a cat. I guess nobody is home so I guess I'll set up somewhere. A stage's lights were flickering weakly as you walked by, a fox was standing on top, as if they were king, holding out one of their hands to the sky. "Howdy howdy" you said as you tipped an invisible cowboy hat towards the seemingly inanimate figure. At the corner of your eye, you spotted some quick movement, oh well, probably just a rat. Other than the stage, the room was empty. At the bottom of a wall, a lonely vent seemed to beckon you. Crawling around on your hands and knees, the vent and it's darkness consumed you as you wiggled to the opening you could see. It was some kind of weird room with a control panel, buttons, and some doll heads of some sort. Shrugging it off, you pressed a light button on the left to reveal......absolutely nothing. "Well time to explore more!'' you chirped as you got down on the floor again to go to the other vent.'' Wait, wait, wait, I've always wanted to do this'', you got up again backed up and ran towards the vent as if it was just a slip and slide. Turns out, that's a bad idea, part of the metal scratched your arm. Continuing your journey, you stood up at a mighty 4'10ft(just using my height lmao). "Hellooooooooo? Anyone?" there was no answer. You read a sign labeled 'breaker room' as you trotted over to its door. It should be a good place to set up, it's discreet and hidden away, you smiled a little as you opened the door. Like all of the other rooms, darkness seemed to swallow it whole with the occasional wire or lightbulb flickering and lighting a tiny bit of its surrounding things. Surveying the room, the only thing you really found was some bars, pipes, and best of all, a little platform above the door that would serve as your little area. It was probably like 10 feet off the ground but some bars and pipes served as a ladder as you heaved yourself and your backpack up. Dust coated your hands and knees. Patting some the dust off, you turned on your phone flashlight to reveal some old curtains, some old looking plushies, and more dust. "I guess this is my little spot for now. If it's mine, at least I'm going to decoraaaahhhh-" You sneezed because of the dust around. ''Ok I really need to clean first I think. Nobody seems to be home so I guess it's free real estate'' chuckling a little, you set your backpack against a wall. Looking at the room again from a higher vantage point, you sigh in relief and start cleaning what would be your new home, not knowing that you were being stared at by someone in the dark.

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