Hey!!! Stop it!!!

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Strong, metal arms wrapped under my arms and lifted me off the ground. In a panic, my whole body seemed to fill with adrenaline and squirm.

"Hey! S-Stop moving! You're making this more difficult for me!" Freddy squeezed my arms tighter, causing some pain.

"H-Hey! Ouch! Then put me down right now!" I squirmed some more, feeling a little more free.

I flailed my head around trying to look for a way out. In return while trying to keep me from getting away, Freddy accidentally bonked my head with his arm. I may have blacked out for a second but in my animal with rabies-like rage and fear, I did the stupidest thing possible, I bit his arm. Luckily, only one tooth chipped and it was one of my canine teeth.

He laughed, "Well that didn't work out too well for you did it Y/N!" and in one fell swoop, I was knocked out by the same arm a bit. The last thing I saw was a small indent where I bit at. I guess I did do a little damage.


The room swirled and formed something I haven't seen in about three days, home.

My mom was making dinner and talking on the phone about me, "She's going to fail in life, all she does is sit and read or play video games. She doesn't even want to be a vet anymore because it's too expensive. I raised her and put a roof over her head so she better pay me back. She claims that she's "depressed" or some shit but she does nothing about it.".

In the other room, a shadowy version of myself was sweeping the floor. A pile of freshly used cleaning supplies was in the corner. My mother walked into the room shadow me was in with a spoon in her hand.

I remember this, I don't want to be here. Let me leave. Let me leave. Please- if there's someone out there, let me leave!

I ran through the room towards the front door, I heard from behind me, "I told you to be done cleaning the house at 3:00, you're such a disappointment, you can't do something as simple as cleaning?".

Even though I knew what would happen, I looked back, boiling soup flowed out of the spoon and onto my shadowy face. As that distant memory screamed, I burst through the door and everything faded to white.


When I woke up, I was strapped to a cheap, wooden chair in a dingy room. I turned my head to look behind me and there was a pile of plastic and metal. In front of me were two windows and a scoop. I don't know what that's for but it cants be good. As my vision focused, I saw four figures staring back at me in the window, I only recognized Freddy and that fox though.

"Well good morning Y/N! I hope you slept well." The clown girl spoke.

I struggled in my chair but it was worthless, my wrists and ankles were bound pretty tight, "Why am I here?! I didn't do anything! Once I get free you better bet on your sorry asses that-".

"Shut up!" The fox yelled and seemed annoyed, "Listen, we won't hurt you if you cooperate, you're too small to use anyways...".

"E-exactly! You seem like a cute little feisty thing. Since you're too small for our escape plan and you're not allowed to leave since you've seen too much, we've decided to keep you as a pet!" Freddy giggled.

"C-cute?" I stammered "Ex-fuckenscuse me?! I am not someone's pet!".

Freddy leaned over to the ballerina, "Told you so Ballora, feisty little thing it is.".

Who you now know is Ballora spoke up, "Whatever Fred, this was your idea, just keep her from escaping and take care of her, she's your responsibility, if you don't, we'll dispose of her" She sighed.

I will not be someone's pet! I am my own person and I won't be treated like some animal!

A loud beep filled the room as the door opened. Freddy dipped into the room and picked up the chair I was attached to, "C-C'mon, we're going to my room! This will be so much fun! We can play games, talk, and more!".

The trip back to "my" room felt everlasting, it was embarrassing, being tied to a chair and carried around like a doll. When he would pass by another animatronic, he would present me like some trophy. I was emotionally and physically exhausted so, I fell asleep into a dreamless slumber.

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