Shopping Spree!

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At this point, I don't know how much time has passed after the kiss, a couple of weeks? After all of that happened and the kiss, we all met up in a room and explained what happened with Yenndo. Apparently, they knew that he was around, they just haven't seen him in forever so they just forgot.

For a couple weeks, Freddy and I have been doing great though! Turns out, we're a bunch of horror junkies and watched the full SAW series, some true crime, laughing together, cooking for each other, and played some games together. I may have introduced him to some anime though so that's another thing we're obsessed with now. It's kinda funny to see his reaction whenever I point out a character in whatever show we're watching is attractive, he gets a little jealous! Silly man, nobody is going to steal me away from you. Life is amazing; the only downside though is that the only thing to eat is pizza and I'm getting pretty tired of that. I don't think even a teenage boy or a child would want to eat pizza for a month straight.

As we were watching an episode of Demon Slayer, a series that I can't shut up about because I've read it previously, my stomach growled violently, "Ugh, sorry, I guess it's been a while since I've had any food. I'd almost rather eat a bowl of nails than another slice of pizza.".

He shifted on the makeshift bed I made to look at me, "That's a little harsh, what would you want to eat anyways? You've never really told me what foods you like. Also, there's just pizza here, it's a pizzeria.".

I laid down on my back, staring at the ceiling, "I don't knowwwww, (favorite food) maybe? That's definitely not here though. I'd have to go outside and on top of that, I don't have any moneyyyy.".

Freddy thought for a moment, "Now that I think about it, you really aren't my prisoner anymore so I suppose I can let you go outside.".

"Cool, I really could have left whenever anyways," I smirked, "But what about money? I don't suppose you'd have any? You're a robot for fucks sake.".

"Sureeeee you could have you slippery weasel. Also, #1, language, you curse like a sailor! I'm really not that fond of cursing. #2, I prefer the term animatronic. #3, I actually do have some cash somewhere. Sometimes, people leave things here. Lastly, #4, I love you, and please don't leave me for someone else while you're out." He counted on each finger for each number, as for #4, he made a heart with his hands instead.

I sat up, "It's not like I would leave you randomly, it takes me time to get used to people anyway and get to know them. Cool that you have some cash though. Is it enough to buy food?".

He got up and left swiftly, "Hold that thought, I'll be right back!".

In the meantime, I scrolled through my phone but he was back in only 2 minutes. Lo and behold, he had brought back 3 wallets.

"People just left their wallets here? You'd think that would be something you'd make sure to keep on you or close by." I looked through each of the wallets and looked through then.

The amount of cash was astounding; all the money combined equaled $500. Holy shit, I'll be able to buy some other necessities too! I couldn't help but be nosy though and I looked at all the driver's licenses in them. There was Milo, Caitlyn, and Michael. Two boys and a girl, about middle aged I'd say. Nobody I know, they must be slobs if they left something as important as this here. Jokes on them, I can buy stuff now!

"Sheesh, forgetful people but that's a lot of money I can use now. I'll probably leave soon then, I'm starvingggggg!" I said dramatically as I got up.

Freddy grabbed my arm as I stared to walk off, "I know I can't go with you but I'll miss you y/n...".

"Aw is someone going to miss me?," I jeered, "You couldddd call me or something while I shop, that way you can hear my voice at least?".

He turned away and blushed, "Well yeah, this would be the first time you've been gone for a while. Of course I would! I guess hearing your voice will suffice though...I wish I could go with but I think people would freak out! Which would be amusing but I admit that that's not a good idea.".

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