It's finally nice to meet you!

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I strolled behind Freddy with my arms behind my head, "Soooooo what food is here anyway? There was mostly pizza ingredients and cheese.".

"You don't like pizza?! That's the only thing here anyways besides ice cream and cakes." He turned.

"Nah, I like pizza, I just feel like it'll get old after a while, it's fine for now at least." I replied.

"Hmm, if you promise to not run away, maybe you can go to a store, don't even think about running away, I will end up finding you." He chuckled at the thought of chasing after me.

Hmmm a chance to escape but with an added risk of being chased down? Could be interesting...

"Sounds fun, I'll take you on your challenge, not going to tell you if I'm running away or not though." I winked.

Freddy turned away quickly, "Whatever, Y/N," he opened the door leading to the kitchen, "Either way, it's so much fun to me, it's like a giant game of hide and seek!".

The kitchen was dark and mostly smelled like flour, which made sense since all they make is pizza and cakes apparently. Freddy was getting out a couple pizza pans, some dough mix, and a variety of pizza ingredients. Not really knowing what to do, I just kinda leaned against the wall, making comments here and there about some ingredient choices.

It's not that I can't cook, I just feel uncomfortable in someone else's kitchen, I'm not sure where everything is anyway. It's a win-win situation; I sit and do nothing while he makes food for me.

"What do you want on your pizza? Anchovies? Pepperoni? A mountain of cheese? The souls of the dead?" He asked jokingly.

"How abouttttt," I paused, "The works! Everything but anchovies though."

His eyes lit up, "Ohhh! That's my favorite! Great choice!".

"Well, I can never pick so, why not all. I'm starving though, how long do you think this will take?" My stomach growls.

"Hmmm," he rubbed his chin, "Probably an hour, I have an idea though, how about you go talk to everyone while I'm busy. Try not to die though". He snickered.

"Do I really have to? I hate talking to new people." I whined.

"If you don't, I won't feed you." Freddy said in a threatening tone.

"Ughhhhhh fine you win!" I complained under my breath as I stood up and headed out the door into one of the main rooms.

The first room I started out with is one of the ones with a stage. It's dark as hell but I don't think I'm in any real danger. As I got deeper in the room the stage lit up extravagantly and the lights flickered on in a row like fireflies as foxy stood in the middle of the stage, bowing.

Foxy stood up straight and looked down, "Welcome to my show!," he pulled two chairs out from behind a curtain and set them a few feet apart from each other and sat in one, "Hello, bonjour, hola, and as some might say, salutations. That sounds close enough to what you said. Anyways, come sit down.".

Being a little surprised, I did as he said and sat in the chair across, "So, Freddy kinda sent me to get to know everyone and you are the first one I stumbled across so here I am.".

His face lit up excitedly, "You want to know about moi? I thought you'd never ask! As you know, my name is Funtime Foxy, or just Foxy. I am a performer, specifically in theatre.".

Crazy Couple of Clowns | Funtime Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now