I guess you can be ok...

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Psychopath's Note(Author): What is the ideal length of a fanfic you think? I'm just planning on writing until I feel like I'm done. I'll probably stop once I think the story gets too dry for me.

 I'll probably stop once I think the story gets too dry for me

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Photo of Y/N waking up to terrorize Freddy and society^^^

As I gained consciousness, I felt a sleeping motion across my head. Is he petting me? What the hell is going on? The floor is freezing too...
I mustered up the strength in my worn muscles to look up and see something truly terrifying to me. Fred was in fact, kneeled over me and petting me like a cat!

"What are you doing! You creep!" I slapped his hand away with a loud clunk.

"J-Just petting your head, I've never felt a human's hair before, it's very soft, but kind of greasy. You kind of smell honestly." He explained.

He can smell me? What kind of weirdo built a kidnapping robot that can smell? I scooted a few feet away from him but it was a little difficult, my wrists were bound by scraps of fabric he must've found.

"Oh relax, I won't hurt you, I wouldn't want my new pet to break so soon" Freddy chuckled menacingly, "L-Look at the time! I think it's time to give stinky a bath!"

"Excuse me! Do not touch me! You f-" He threw my useless body over his shoulder and began carrying me.

"It's that girl I saw earlier! Boy, she does talk a lot!" A small blue rabbit skittered up Freddy's body and sat on the opposite shoulder I was on.

"Bon-Bon! I wondered where you were friend! What were you d-doing? Haven't seen you for a few days!" He shouted.

"Wandering mostly and keeping an eye on whoever this lovely lady is." Bon Bon nudged my side. In response, I squirmed angrily.

I looked up and I could tell Freddy was starting to get annoyed, "Ugh! Stop it! This is really getting annoying. You know I could just end you by snapping your neck right here and now?!".

He really means it does he? Maybe I can befriend them and try to escape that way. That means I'll just have to go along with what he wants for now at least. My whole body seemed to shudder with unease.

When he reached his destination with me in tow, I was a little surprised of the sheer size of the tub. I could fit five of me in there think. Is it used for cleaning the animatronics? Probably.

"Aaaaand we're here!" He plopped me on the ground while Bon Bon jumped off gingerly, considering he had no legs, "You're gonna love it here Y/N, we'll have parties, food, and you're gonna be my best friend!" Freddy excitedly twirled and turn on the tub to release hot water into the giant basin.

"You sound lonely, being down here in the dark for god knows how long..." I decided to play along to see what happens.
Hopefully he'll let his guard down if I befriend him enough.
"He has me though! I'm literally attached at the hip! Most of the time anyways." Bon Bon motioned to his torso.

As the tub filled up, so did my anxiety. He's going to drown me! I highly doubt he knows too much about humans. What's worse is that I'll be nude in front of that thing, I don't know what's going on in his head but I just don't like this...

Funtime Freddy dumped some Dawn dish soap in the bath and then walked over, "Ok Stinky! Time for a bath!" He unbounded my wrists and pulled my shirt off to reveal my bare chest.

I got super red and turned away, "W-What do you think you're doing! You can't just strip someone!".

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know! I've never taken care of a human!" There was a long pause, then I felt a hand on my back, "What...are these from? They look painful..." he ran his hand along some scars on my back and shoulders.

"None of your business, but if you must know, they're from my mom. I won't tell you much else, I don't like to think about it...." I peeked over my shoulder to see his reaction, which I thought would be disgust. He seemed angry actually, like he could leap and strangle someone. "Don't worry about it Freddy, it was a while ago..." I turned back to him.

"It just pisses me off to see such a beautiful person be hurt like this. I don't see why you deserved that." He hugged me, which was surprisingly warm.

This is the first time in a while I've felt comfortable....I didn't expect to feel that from a robot though. He seems to care too, I don't know why though.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I was crying at the thought of being loved and cared for. I don't think anyone has cared about me as much as he has since I was little.

"Shhhh it's ok, let's get you in the bath, we can relax and play games afterwards." He took off my pants and put me in the bath gently.

Time seemed to pass by slow, as he washed my hair and cared for me. I was just emotionally drained, thinking about everything that has happened I just let Freddy wash me without any remarks. After I was clean, he dried me off with a towel and blow dried my hair. He gave me new clothes too, they seemed more like a uniform though. It was a red dress with a white apron that was embroidered with a logo, I was grateful anyways, my old clothes did stink.

I haven't been taken care of like this ever since I can remember, this is nice to be honest. I feel...warm and fuzzy inside. Is this what' it's like to be taken care of? Maybe this is ok once in a while...Maybe Funtime Freddy is ok....

I was carried back like a baby to the breaker room. Apparently, there was a mattress on the ground I didn't know about, it is dark in there though. He laid me down and he sat down next to me.

"I'm surprised that you never said anything while I gave you a bath, did you like it then?" Freddy tilted his head.

"Honestly, I did. I hate to admit it but I haven't been taken care of in a really long time. Thank you, maybe you can be ok sometimes." Hugging his arm, I drifted off to sleep. I truly felt safe and cared for, but not by the person, or thing I expected.

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